
In: Psychology

explain measurement of error in the research process

explain measurement of error in the research process


Expert Solution

There are several types of errors which occur during a research process. These most common errors are;-

  1. Population specification - In this, the researchers select inappropriate population for the research to obtain data from.
  2. Sampling - When the sample is not representative of the population concerned.
  3. Measurement error - Measurement error is generated by the measurement process itself and it represents the difference between information generated and the information wanted by the researcher. It is a degree to which survey statistics differ from the true value due to the imperfections in the way the data has been collected. it is the difference between the measured quantity and the true value.

    FOR EXAMPLE - A retail store would like to access customers feedback at the store from at the counter purchases. The survey develops but fails to obtain the data of the customers at the counter instead obtains the data of the customers who purchase online.

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