
In: Computer Science

rite a Java Program to play your version of the Texas Pick 3 Lottery. You will...

rite a Java Program to play your version of the Texas Pick 3 Lottery. You will need to include the provided code given below in your program.

Task:The program will prompt for a number between 0 and 999. Your program will display the number of attempts it took for the entered number to match a randomly generated number.

  1. In the main() method, declare an int named myPick3choice.
  2. Create a prompt for myPick3choice as "Enter your Pick 3 choice:0-999".
  3. Create a void method named playPick3 that has an int parameter named myPick3.
  4. In the playPick3 method, do the following:
    1. Create an int variable called playCounter and initialize it to 0.
    2. Create an int variable called myPick3Result.
    3. Create a loop that calls the method officialPlayPick3 (Provided below) and store the result in myPick3Result.
      1. If myPick3Result matches the variable myPick3, then display the result of playcounter as "PlayCounter = ...." and exit the loop.
      2. If myPick3Result does not match, increment the variable playCounter and continue the loop.

Enter your Pick 3 choice 0-999: 554

PlayCounter = 1343   ( This result will vary )

Include the code below in your program. The code also requires the following import line:

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

* officialPlayPick3()
* Returns a random number from 0 to 999
* @return int

public static int officialPlayPick3() {

      final int MIN_RANGE_VALUE = 0;

final int MAX_RANGE_VALUE = 999;

       return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(MIN_RANGE_VALUE,MAX_RANGE_VALUE + 1);

Also Create a loop in the main method to allow you to play as often as you wish.


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

class Texas_Pick_3_Lottery {
    public static int officialPlayPick3() {

        final int MIN_RANGE_VALUE = 0;

        final int MAX_RANGE_VALUE = 999;

        return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(MIN_RANGE_VALUE,MAX_RANGE_VALUE + 1);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int myPick3choice;
        System.out.print("Enter your Pick 3 choice:0-999 : ");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        myPick3choice = sc.nextInt();

    private static void playPick3(int myPick3) {
        int playCounter = 0;
        int myPick3Result;
        while (true){
            myPick3Result = officialPlayPick3();
            playCounter ++;
                System.out.print("PlayCounter = " + playCounter);

Output :

Explanation :

Class Texas_Pick_3_Lottery :

main() :

  • I have created an integer variable "myPick3choice" to store the choice of the user.
  • System.out.print("Enter your Pick 3 choice:0-999: "): It tells the user to enter its choice between 0 to 999 by displaying the message on the screen.
  • Scanner sc = new Scanner( : It creates Scanner object "sc" to take user input from console.
  • myPick3choice = sc.nextInt() : It takes Integer input from the user through console and assigns it to the variable  "myPick3choice".
  • playPick3(myPick3choice): This method is called to print the number of attempts taken to match the random number so far generated with the choice of the user.
int officialPlayPick3() : 
  • This method is used to return the random number generated between lower limit (0) and the upper limit (1000).
  • It will return the number between 0 to 999 i.e inclusive 0 and exclusive 1000.
  • This method is inserted the same as defined in the question.
void playPick3(int myPick3) : 
  • This method is used for printing the number of attempts taken to match the random number so far generated with the choice of the user.
  • We have declared two variables "playCounter" and "myPick3Result" as integers and initialized  "playCounter" to 0 to set the counter.
  • "myPick3Result" variable is used to store the randomly generated number.
  • Then we created a while loop which loop which loops indefinitely and the condition tho break through the loop is specified inside the loop.
  • This loop is created according to the given description in the question.
  • Inside loop,
    • officialPlayPick3() is called and the randomly generated number so returned is assigned to the "myPick3Result" variable.
    • The variable "playCounter" is then incremented.
    • if(myPick3==myPick3Result) : Here, the value of the "myPick3" parameter is compared with the variable "myPick3Result". If true it prints the "playCounter" variable value and breaks from the loop and thus ending the loop otherwise, the loop continues to run.   

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