In: Nursing
Your patient is a 35-year-old African American female patient that has allergic rhinitis. Her prescriptions include loratadine 5mg/day and fluticasone two nasal inhalations per day. Previously she had taken OTC drugs and asked if she could continue to take the OTC drugs with her prescription. She has never used a nasal inhaler before. She is admitted to your unit with a fever of 103? and you are supposed to take care of her. Write a care plan for this patient, providing six goals each with non-pharmacological interventions and scientific rationales that you would use. Present your interventions and scientific rationales in the form of a table in the attached word document.
The following are the plan of non pharmacological care which can be done to this 35 year female patient with allergic rhinitis
Goals | Intervention | Rationale |
Impaired thermo regulation related to increased body temperature |
Impaired breathing pattern related to blocked nose due to inflammation |
Risk for infection related to infection |
Disturbed sleep pattern related to disease condition |
Risk for side effects related to the use of medications |
Health education related to the disease condition |