
In: Statistics and Probability

The researcher from Scenario I decides to compare a second dose-effect curve with carboxycotton to determine...

The researcher from Scenario I decides to compare a second dose-effect curve with carboxycotton to determine if the novel opioid has the capacity to induce tolerance (i.e., a rightward shift in the dose-effect function; a larger dose is required to produce the same effect). The researcher takes the carboxycotton-treated mice from the first experiment (subjects 6-10 from above) and administers cumulative doses of carboxycotton. He then measures tail withdrawal latency as before. On the following day, he administers cumulative doses of carboxycotton again to determine if tolerance development occurred. The results of this experiment are presented in the table below.

Carboxycotton ED50 values


ED50 (mg/kg) from first dose-effect curve

ED50 (mg/kg) from second dose-effect curve
















  1. Write the name of the specific statistical test that is appropriate for these data: ______________________

  1. Perform the test you identified inquestion 7 above using the statistical software (e.g., GraphPad Prism, Excel, R) of your choice. Be sure to perform a two-tailed test. Please round all answers to two decimal places, where appropriate.

  1. Report the mean of differences between dose-effect curves: _______________
  2. Report the standard deviation of differences between dose-effect curves: __________________
  3. Report the standard error of the mean of differences between dose-effect curves: __________________
  4. Report the results of the statistical test in the spaces below:

                        t( ____) = _____, p = _______

  1. Report the 95% confidence interval (LL,UL) for the difference between dose-effect curves:


  1. Compare the results from the 95% confidence interval in question 9 with the results from the statistical test in question 8. Is there sufficient evidence to reject the H0 and claim that that there is a potency difference between the first dose-effect curve and the second dose-effect curve in carboxycotton-treated mice?

Yes or No (circle one)


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