
In: Nursing

2. Dengue fever vaccine, Dengvaxia, is currently approved for use in those ages 9 to 45...

2. Dengue fever vaccine, Dengvaxia, is currently approved for use in those ages 9 to 45 who live in areas with a high incidence of dengue fever and given in three doses over the course of 12 months. What are your thoughts?

3. What is RA 9482 and its salient points? As a nursing student, to prevent rabies, what to you is responsible pet ownership?

4. What are the differences and similarities of Candidiasis and Chlamydia? Why Infectious Mononucleosis is called kissing disease?

5. Do you think the patient will die in AIDS or will die in opportunistic infections. If in AIDS why and if it is opportunistic infections, what are those?


Expert Solution

Answer no 1


Each year there are estimated 390 million peoples are affected with the dengue fever around the world.In this more than 25,000 peoples are dying with this infection in each year.It is the vaccine of choice fonded by Sanofi-Pasteur for the dengue fever, a viral disease caused by 4 viruses.This vaccine is actiing against the control of the disease.The main aim of WHO about this vaccine is to reduce the dengue cases atleast by 25% and Death due to dengue to 50% by the year of 2020.It enhances the person's safty and security from the dengue fever.

Answer no 2

RA9482 (Anti Rabies Act and Responsibilities of a Pet Owner)

This act is focussing in the responsibilities of the per owners.The main salient points of this acts are,

  1. Have the dog regularly vaccinated with rabies and keep the LGU registartion
  2. Submit the dog's for mandatory registration
  3. Maintain control over the dog
  4. Provide proper hygiene,shelter and adequate food for the pet.
  5. The biting incidents should be reported immediately (within 24 hours) to the concerned office
  6. The dog bit victim should be immediately take to the medical consultation.

Ways to prevent rabies

  • Don't allow the pet to be in the street unnecessarily.
  • If any biting happends, wash the area with soap and running water and seek for the medical help immediately.
  • Vaccinate the pet regularly.
  • Don't allow the childrens and strangers to go near the dog while taling foods.
  • Immediately concern the vetinary practitioner if any symtoms araised in the pet animals( related to some diseases).
  • If any biting incidents happends keep the dog for the observation.
  • If the dog is bited by anotherv dog should be taken to the rabies laboratory immediately.

Answer no 3


It is an yeast infection which is caused by the teast Candida albicans


Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis

Difference Between Chlamydia and Candidiasis

Candidiasis Chlamydia
Caused by Yeast Caused by bacteria
Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic Cell
It is an extra cellular paracite It is intra cellular paracite
Treatment of choice is antifungal medications Treatment of choice is antibiotics

Similarities of Chlamidia and Candidiasis

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge can be present in both the cases.
  • Painful urination or burning sensation is the common symptom.
  • Multiple sexual parters is the common the risk factors
  • Nucleic acid amplification is the commont test for both the infection.

Why mononucleosis is known as a kissing

Mononucleosis is also known as a Kissing diseases because it is an infection which can be mainly transmited from one person to another person through the direct contact especially through the saliva while kissing.

Answer No 4

The patient will not die with HIV but will die with an oppurtunistic infection.Because when a person is affected with Human Immuno Deficiency Virus, it attack the immune system of the affected person.So the immunity will be reduced.This decreased immunity will be leading to the welcoming of many other infections such as,

  1. PCP( a type of pneumonia)
  2. Esophageal candidiasis
  3. Toxoplasmosis
  4. Herpex simple virus
  5. Meningitis
  6. Septicemia
  7. Wasting syndrome(Involuntry loss of body weight)
  8. Tuberculosis
  9. Cancers eg: Kaposi's sarcoma,cervical cancers
  10. Cytomegalovirus infections
  11. Encephalopathy

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