
In: Computer Science

In class need to define two fields: 1. Integer part of the number - ulong; &...

In class need to define two fields:

1. Integer part of the number - ulong; & fractional part of the number - ushort in C#

Using C#, create the following methods:

1. Method for adding two prices (parameters for function is 2 numbers, integer(main currency) and fractional parts(Fractional currency))

2. Method for adding two prices(parameter is object of same type as your class)

3. Method for adding two prices(parameter is string)


Expert Solution


using System;

class Amount
    private ulong integerPart;
    private ushort fractionPart;

    public Amount(ulong integerPart, ushort fractionPart)
        this.integerPart = (ulong) integerPart + (ulong) fractionPart / 100;
        this.fractionPart = (ushort) (fractionPart % 100);

    public void AddPrices(ulong integerPart, ushort fractionPart)
        this.integerPart += (ulong) integerPart + (ulong) ((this.fractionPart + fractionPart) / 100);
        this.fractionPart = (ushort) ((this.fractionPart + fractionPart) % 100);

    public void AddPrices(Amount c)
        AddPrices(c.integerPart, c.fractionPart);

    public void AddPrices(string s)
        string[] money = s.Split('.');
        ulong integerPart = Convert.ToUInt64(money[0]);
        ushort fractionPart = Convert.ToUInt16(money[1]);

        AddPrices(new Amount(integerPart, fractionPart));

    public override string ToString()
        return $"Amount: ${this.integerPart}.{this.fractionPart}";

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
        Amount a = new Amount(20, 98);
        Amount b = new Amount(23, 88);

        a.AddPrices(20, 50);



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