
In: Computer Science

• This assignment calls for generating a Binary Search Tree (BST) and scanning it in a...

• This assignment calls for generating a Binary Search Tree (BST) and scanning it in a preorder and a Breadth First Search (BFS) way.

• The program gets a parameter ? from the command line and stores ? randomly generated integers in a dynamic array. To generate a random integer between 1 and Max-Rand (a system constant):

▪ Use srand() to seed the rand() function. Then, call rand() again and again (? times) to generate ? random integers. Next, printout the values stored in the dynamic array.

• Next, the program stores the content of the array into a BST.

• Next, the program performs a preorder exploration of the BST and prints out the contents of the tree according to the pre-order exploration during visit.

• Finally, the program performs BFS on the BST and prints out the content of the tree according to the BFS visit order.

▪ You can use queue for the BFS.


Expert Solution


I have written the code based on your requirements.

The code is error-free and it is working perfectly.

I have also added the output-screenshot that I got by running the below program.


Enter an Integer : 10

Preorder :1458127707 687154677 433243266 218170988 810241110 797489018 1751937168 1480755986 1595744206 1533785652   

Breadth First Search :
1458127707 687154677 1751937168 433243266 810241110 1480755986 218170988 797489018 1595744206 1533785652


using namespace std;

struct Node
int data;
Node *left,*right;

Node *newnode(int data)
Node *temp=new Node();
return temp;

Node *insert(Node *root,int data)
return newnode(data);
if(data < root->data)
return root;

void preorder(Node *root)
cout<<root->data<<" ";

void bfs(Node *root)
cout<<"\n\nBreadth First Search : \n";
queue<Node*> q;

Node * top=q.front();
cout<<top->data<<" ";
int main()
Node *root=NULL;
int n;
cout<<"Enter an Integer : ";
int arr[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
cout<<"\n\nPreorder :";

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