Ans: Consequesnces are like effects on incomes it may be
positive or negative. Here we can understand by how badly executed
dividend reinvestment plan in present scenario.
- Concentration of holdings: At present investors do not
diversify their expection of returns so they can concentrate of
holding by reinvesting the dividends. If they recieved cash they
have chances to divercify but now all business have at recession
- Administration: Their will be more effect on company because of
tax records will different cost base for each investors.
- Not suitable for short term investment: Dividend Reinvestment
Plan is not suitable for short term investment compare to purchase
shares from stock market
- No income stream: For retired investors dividend reinvestment
plan will not suitable. At this scenario investor look income
immediately but dividend reinvestment plan will take long time to
make more money.
- No control on price and time: Investors doesnot have control
over price and time. Investor must purchase shares at considerable
price fixed by company and specified time.