
In: Math

12. An agricultural research company has developed two new types of soy bean seeds, call them...

12. An agricultural research company has developed two new types of soy bean seeds, call them "seed A" and "seed B". A study is conducted to determine which will produce a higher mean yield. To test the two types of seed, 20 similar plots of land were randomly placed into one of two groups. One group of ten plots was planted with "seed A", while the other ten plots were planted with "seed B". The yield of each field, in bushels per acre, was recorded in the table below.

Seed A 101 109 88 108 112 105 119 99 95 112
Seed B 91 102 103 105 87 97 84 88 100 94

1. Conduct a hypothesis test at a 0.050.05 level of significance to determine if the two types of soy beans produce different mean yields.

The test statistic is ________________________
The p-value is____________________________

Construct a 9595% confidence interval for the mean of the differences. Hint: with the data in your lists, use the two-independent sample t-INTERVAL option on your calculator.


13. A company owns 9 trucks of various makes and models. The manager recently heard that inflating tires with nitrogen may provide slightly better gas mileage. The manager wants to determine if there is a noticeable increase in the mean gas mileage for the 9 trucks when nitrogen is utilized. Over a period of time, a test is run in which the gas mileage of each truck is recorded both with and without nitrogen in the tires. The gas mileages of the 15 trucks with and without nitrogen in the tires are recorded here. (data is in miles per gallon)

Truck A B C D E F G H I
Without Nitrogen 25 20 20 16 25 21 23 24 17
With Nitrogen 28 22 21 19 26 23 23 26 17

(b) The test statistic is_____________________

(c) The p-value is________________________

14. A professor of nursing wonders if the female nursing students are more likely to drop out of a nursing program than the male nursing students. To check her intuition, several nursing programs are compiled and random samples of both male and female nursing students are selected. Of the 200 male nursing students selected, 17 of them did not attain their nursing degree. Of the 700 female nursing students selected, 68 of them did not attain their nursing degree. Test the claim that the proportion of females not completing their degree is higher than the proportion of males using a level of significance of 0.05.
The test statistic is _________________
The p-value is ____________________


Expert Solution


For Seed A :

∑x = 1048

∑x² = 110590

n1 = 10

Mean , x̅1 = Ʃx/n = 1048/10 = 104.8000

Standard deviation, s2 = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(110590-(1048)²/10)/(10-1)] = 9.1869

For Seed B :

∑x = 951

∑x² = 90933

n2 = 10

Mean , x̅2 = Ʃx/n = 951/10 = 95.1000

Standard deviation, s2 = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(90933-(951)²/10)/(10-1)] = 7.4005


Null and Alternative hypothesis:

Ho : µ1 = µ2

H1 : µ1 ≠ µ2

Pooled variance :

S²p = ((n1-1)*s1² + (n2-1)*s2² )/(n1+n2-2) = ((10-1)*9.1869² + (10-1)*7.4005²) / (10+10-2) = 69.5833

Test statistic:

t = (x̅1 - x̅2) / √(s²p(1/n1 + 1/n2 ) = (104.8 - 95.1) / √(69.5833*(1/10 + 1/10)) = 2.6002

df = n1+n2-2 = 18

p-value :

Two tailed p-value = T.DIST.2T(ABS(2.6002), 18) = 0.0181


p-value < α, Reject the null hypothesis

95% Confidence interval for the difference:

S²p = ((n1-1)*s1² + (n2-1)*s2² )/(n1+n2-2) = ((10-1)*9.1869² + (10-1)*7.4005²) / (10+10-2) = 69.583333

Lower Bound = (x̅1 - x̅2) - t-crit*√(S²p*(1/n1 +1/n2)) = (104.8 - 95.1) - 2.101*√(69.5833*(1/10 + 1/10)) = 1.8625

Upper Bound = (x̅1 - x̅2) + t-crit*√(S²p*(1/n1 +1/n2)) = (104.8 - 95.1) + 2.101*√(69.5833*(1/10 + 1/10)) = 17.5375

1.8625 < µ1 - µ2 < 17.5375



Without Nitrogen With Nitrogen Difference
25 28 -3
20 22 -2
20 21 -1
16 19 -3
25 26 -1
21 23 -2
23 23 0
24 26 -2
17 17 0

∑x = -14

∑x² = 32

n = 9

Mean , x̅d = Ʃx/n = -14/9 = -1.5556

Standard deviation, sd = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(32-(-14)²/9)/(9-1)] = 1.1304

Null and Alternative hypothesis:

Ho : µd = 0

H1 : µd < 0

Test statistic:

t = (x̅d)/(sd/√n) = (-1.5556)/(1.1304/√9) = -4.1284

df = n-1 = 8

p-value = T.DIST(-4.1284, 8, 1) = 0.0017


p-value < α, Reject the null hypothesis



Male nursing student:

n1 = 200, x1 = 17

p̂1 = x1/n1 = 0.085

Female nursing student:

n2 = 700, x2 = 68

p̂2 = x2/n2 = 0.0971

Null and Alternative hypothesis:

Ho : p1 = p2

H1 : p1 < p2

Pooled proportion:

p̄ = (x1+x2)/(n1+n2) = (17+68)/(200+700) = 0.09444

Test statistic:

z = (p̂1 - p̂2)/√ [p̄*(1-p̄)*(1/n1+1/n2)] = (0.085 - 0.0971)/√[0.0944*0.9056*(1/200+1/700)] = -0.5179

z = (p̂1 - p̂2)/√ [(p̂1*(1-p̂1)/n1)+(p̂2*(1-p̂2)/n2) ] = (0.085 - 0.0971)/√[(0.085*0.915/200) + (0.0971*0.9029/700)] = -0.5355

p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-0.5179, 1) = 0.3023


p-value > α, Do not reject the null hypothesis

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