
In: Computer Science

Write a program that reads in the name and salary of an employee. Here the salary...

  1. Write a program that reads in the name and salary of an employee. Here the salary will denote an hourly wage, such as $9.25. Then, ask how many hours the employee worked in the past week. Be sure to accept fractional hours. Compute the pay. Any overtime work (over 40 hours per week) is paid at 150 percent of the regular wage.4 pts
    1. Your code with comments
    2. A screenshot of the execution

Test Cases:

Enter name: Jorge

Enter wage: 9.25

Enter hours: 10

                  Total pay is: $92.50

Enter name: John

Enter wage: 20.00

Enter hours: 50

Total pay is: $1100 ($800 + $300 overtime)

python, keep it simple


Expert Solution

Here I have implemented python code as per your requirement, also I have attached a screenshot of the output. Let me know in the comment section if you have any query regarding the below code.

# take input name as a string
name=input("Enter name:")

# take input wage as a float
wage=float(input("Enter wage: "))

# take input hours as a float
hours=float(input("Enter hours: "))

# if hours are greater  
# than 40 then we have to 
# calculate overtime salary
if hours>40:
    # Calculate wage for hours>40
    # Calculate salary for hours<=40
    # Calculate salary for hours>40
    # Calculate total pay
    # here {:.8g} describe that it will remove trailing zero from the floating part. 
    # Here in test case 2 given output is $1100 ($800 + $300 overtime), So if i don't 
    # use {:.8g} then it will be print like $1100.0 ($800.0 + $300.0 overtime).
    print('Total pay is: ${:.8g} (${:.8g} + ${:.8g} overtime)'.format(ans,regular_ans,overtime_ans))
    # Calculate salary for hours<=40
    print('Total pay is: ${:.8g}'.format(ans))

Output :

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