
In: Electrical Engineering

I am working on an IOT BASED HOME AUTOMATION PROJECT...I want to make use of a...

I am working on an IOT BASED HOME AUTOMATION PROJECT...I want to make use of a camera in this system to be able to capture movements or happenings in the house...
Can this be accomplished by using NODEMCU,ARDUINO,RASPBERRY PIE..
if yes...I need detailed ways on how to do it using each of them.


Expert Solution

Its better to use Raspberry pie because it has inbuilt Camera module connector. NODEMCU and ARDUINO does not have inbuilt Camera module connector.

Connect Pi Camera to CSI interface of Raspberry Pi board

Now, we can use Pi Camera for capturing images and videos using Raspberry Pi.

Before using Pi Camera, we need to enable camera for its working.

How to Enable Camera functionality on Raspberry Pi

For enabling camera in Raspberry Pi, open raspberry pi configuration using following command,

sudo raspi-config

then select Interfacing options in which select camera option to enable its functionality.

reboot Raspberry Pi.

Now we can access camera on Raspberry Pi.

Now we can capture images and videos using Pi Camera on Raspberry Pi.


Capture images and save it to the specified directory.

We can capture images using Python. Here, we will write a Python program to capture images using Pi Camera on Raspberry Pi.

Here, we have used picamera package(library) which provides different classes for Raspberry Pi. Out of which we are mainly interested in PiCamera class which is for camera module.

Python Program for Image Capture

import picamera
from time import sleep

#create object for PiCamera class
camera = picamera.PiCamera()
#set resolution
camera.resolution = (1024, 768)
camera.brightness = 60
#add text on image
camera.annotate_text = 'Hi Pi User'
#store image

Functions Used

To use picamera python based library we have to include it in our program as given below

import picamera

This picamera library has PiCamera class for camera module. So, we have to create object for PiCamera class.

PiCamera Class

To use Pi Camera in Python on Raspberry Pi, we can use PiCamera class which has different APIs for camera functionality. We need to create object for PiCamera class.

E.g. Camera = picamera.PiCamera()

The above PiCamera class has different member variables and functions which we can access by simply inserting a dot (.) in between object name and member name.

E.g. Camera.resolution = (1080, 648)


It is used to capture images using Pi Camera.

E.g. Camera.capture(“/home/pi/image.jpeg”)

The capture() function has different parameters which we can pass for different operations like resize, format, use_video_port, etc.

E.g. Camera.capture(“/home/pi/image.jpeg”, resize=(720, 480))

resolution= (width,height)

It sets the resolution of camera at which image captures, video records and preview will display. The resolution can be specified as (width, height) tuple, as a string formatted WIDTHxHEIGHT, or as a string containing commonly recognised display resolution name e.g. “HD”, “VGA”, “1080p”, etc.


                Camera.resolution = (720, 480)

  Camera.resolution = “720 x 480”

                Camera.resolution = “720p”

                Camera.resolution = “HD”

Annotate_text = “Text”

It is used to add text on image, video, etc.

E.g. Camera.annotate_text = “Hi Pi User”


It displays the preview overlay of default or specified resolution.

Example Camera.start_preview()


It is used to close the preview overlay.

E.g. Camera.stop_preview()

Python Program for Video Recording

import picamera
from time import sleep

camera = picamera.PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (640, 480)

#start recording using pi camera
#wait for video to record
#stop recording
print("video recording stopped")

Functions used

We have to create object for PiCamera class. Here, we have create object as camera.


It is used to start video recordingand store it.

E.g. Camera.start_recording(‘demo.h264’)

It records video named demo of h264 format.


Wait on video encoder for specified timeout seconds.

E.g. Camera.wait_recording(60)


It is used to stop video recording.

E.g. Camera.stop_recording()

Play Recorded Video

To open video, we can use omxplayer by using following command,

omxplayer video_name

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