
In: Operations Management

Maria has built a cafeteria called "Princess of Gourmai and More" since 1995. Amira runs her...

Maria has built a cafeteria called "Princess of Gourmai and More" since 1995. Amira runs her project that provides coffee from the most delicious coffee in the city. It serves around 800 cups of coffee a day, along with special soups, ready-made Italian sandwiches, and a large selection of delicious cheese cakes. Maria noticed that despite the store's popularity, she always maintains nearly the same revenue. Maria has contacted your staff, who is affiliated with a consulting firm, in her city to advise the way the cafeteria works.

Maria said: “Many community college students visit us next to the cafeteria, as well as many retired clients who live next door and a large group of employees who work in the companies deployed next to the cafeteria. Every day our customers have only 30 minutes to eat their meal and have coffee so we must be fast. When preparing their meals, as it is the worker at the cafeteria who receives the customer’s order and enters the order on the cash box device, as well as receives the money and deposits it in the box and provides the customer with his meal.

The Royal Director Maria added: "We have one cash box that all workers, including myself, are handling to respond to customer requests. This cash box is not of the new type developed but it can track the different categories of meals and coffee, however the worker who receives the order must press every time." He receives the order on the button that pertains to the specific category requested by the customer (coffee, soup, sandwich, cakes) There is an internal tape in the box device that records and maintains a record of all transactions. The customer receives a receipt only when requested to deliver. The number of cafe workers is four along with the manager Maria Two workers work N in the morning from seven o'clock to three o'clock in the evening and two others from three o'clock to eleven at night time. "

Maria also said: “I open the cash box twice a day at the end of the morning period at three o'clock in the evening and at the end of the evening period at eleven o'clock at night. When I open the fund I help workers before they leave to open the cash box and calculate the amount of money and compare it to the total recorded on the tape stored Inside the fund When there is a difference between the money withdrawn from the fund and the total recorded on the tape, I recalculate the money again. "

The owner Maria told your group that since the beginning of the opening of the store, she did not face cases of theft, but rather discovers that the differences that occurred previously between the cash available in the fund and the total amount of money recorded on the tape are usually recording for an employee a different amount than the amount inadvertently received. For example, he records $ 18 instead of the $ 1.8 received amount.

Maria sends the tape and receipts manually to the accountant to make adjustments and also sends him all purchase invoices from the materials she needs to make coffee, sandwiches, soups and cakes. Note that Maria uses the economic quantity method in demand to maintain the stock of materials, given that the daily sales recorded by the cafeteria are close.

Read the case and identify weaknesses, based on the information provided by Maria and the cafeteria manager.

write the necessary recommendations for each weakness


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Longer flow time happened since customer service is handled only by two workers.

A counter staff for each shift (total of two persons) can be appointed to receive orders from customers to reduce the flow time.


The Cash Box used in the shop is outdated.

Replace the cash box with a new one that can process order, record transaction and store cash quickly to reduce customer lead time.


The workers take long process time.

Installation of monitors at the workplace (kitchen) is recommended to track orders by the workers.


Checking funds inside the cash box during working hours interrupted the processing of order. The customer, at the times, may wait.

Since the new employee for each shift is appointed to process orders, Maria herself can check the funds independently.


There is no change in products sold by Maria

Maria can effectively add/change products on the basis of information created by experts from the data provided by her customers.

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