
In: Computer Science

8. write a program using switch-case statements that ask a user to enter a temperature value...

8. write a program using switch-case statements that ask a user to enter a temperature value in degrees Fahrenheit (In your program, use an integer to record the user’s entry. If the temperature falls between 0 and 96 make it print “Temperature below normal”. If the temperature is 97, 98, make it “Temperature normal”. If the temperature is between 100 and 150, print “You have a fever”. If the temperature is outside the ranges given above, display “Are you human”.

Please write in C++


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

int main()
   int temp;
   cout << "Enter temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: ";
   cin >> temp;

   switch (temp)
   case 0 ... 96:
       cout << "Temperature below normal" << endl;
   case 97:
   case 98:
       cout << "Temperature normal" << endl;
   case 100 ... 105:
       cout << "You have a fever" << endl;
       cout << "Are you human" << endl;
   return 1;

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