Endocrine Control of the Female Reproductive Cycle
- Menstrual Phase
- Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH), many primordial follicles develop into primary
follicles and then into the secondary follicles.
- Menstrual discharge occurs as a result of decreasing levels of
progesterone and estrogen.
Decrcrease in the level of these hormones releases
prostaglandins that constrict the spiral
arterioles of the endometrial lining which eventually slough
- Preovulatory Phase
- Secondary follicles begin secreting estrogen
and inhibin. A single secondary follicle becomes
dominant. Estrogens and inhibin
secreted by this follicle decreases the secretion of
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that causes the
non-dominant follicles to undergo atresia.
- During its maturation, the mature follicle increases the
secretion of estrogen.
- Estrogen stimulates the repair of endometrium
with its cells undergoing mitosis. Endometrial glands begin to
- Ovulatory Phase
- High levels of estrogens exert a positive
feedback on the cells that are responsible for the secretion of
luteinizing hormone (LH) and
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and cause
- GnRH promotes the release of follicle
stimulating hormone and luteinizing
hormone by the anterior pituitary.
- Luteinizing hormone causes the rupture of the
mature follicle and the release of secondary oocyte.
- Postovulatory Phase
- Under the influence of luteinizing hormone,
the theca interna cells of the ruptured follicle mix with the
granulosa cells and form the corpus luteum cells.
- Under the influence of luteinizing hormone,
the corpus luteum secretes progesterone,
estrogen, relaxin and inhibin.
- If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates
and forms corpus albicans.
- Decline in the levels of progesterone, estrogen and
inhibin cause the release of GnRH, FSH and
LH due to the loss of negative feedback suppression by
ovarian hormones.
- If fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum persists by the
action of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that
is produced by the chorion of the embryo.