
In: Computer Science

The input file Each line of the input file will contain a sentence with words separated...

The input file

Each line of the input file will contain a sentence with words separated by one space. Read a line from the listed below  and use a StringTokenizer to extract the words from the line.

The input file


Mary had a little lamb
whose fl33ce was white as sn0w
And everywhere that @Mary went
the 1amb was sure to go.
Read the above  that contains a paragraph of words. 

Put all the words in an array, put the valid words (words that have only letters) in a second array, 
and put the invalid words in a third array. Sort the array of valid words using Selection Sort. 
Write a java program Create a GUI to display the arrays using a GridLayout with one row and three columns.

please explain the code properly and give reassnong

An example of the input file would be:

Mary had a little lamb
Whose fl33ce was white as sn0w.

file name


Expert Solution

Solution :

import java.util.*;

class Main {
   public static void main (String[] args) {
   String str="Mary had a little lamb whose fl33ce was white as sn0w And everywhere that @Mary went the 1amb was sure to go";
StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(str, " "); //Using a String tokenizer
LinkedList<String> l1=new LinkedList<String>(); //Since we don not know the size of arrays, therefore I used linked list for beter efficiency
LinkedList<String> l2=new LinkedList<String>();
String s=stk.nextToken();

   System.out.println("First array: ");
   for(int i=0;i<l1.size();i++)
   System.out.print(l1.get(i)+" ");
       System.out.println("\nSecond array: ");
   for(int i=0;i<l1.size();i++)
   System.out.print(l2.get(i)+" ");

Output of above cod eis shown below :

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