
In: Computer Science

can someome investigate my program that utilizes semaphores that can result in deadlock due to programming...

can someome investigate my program that utilizes semaphores that can result in deadlock due to programming errors and help in finding out if the solution meet all criteria for the critical section
  • If yes, then comment code identifying the parts of code that do
  • If no, could you help in fixing the code wherever given solution fails criteria in the code below

#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define N 5
#define THINKING 2
#define HUNGRY 1
#define EATING 0
#define LEFT (phnum + 4) % N
#define RIGHT (phnum + 1) % N

int state[N];
int phil[N] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

sem_t mutex;
sem_t S[N];

void test(int phnum)
if (state[phnum] == HUNGRY
&& state[LEFT] != EATING
&& state[RIGHT] != EATING) {
// state that eating
state[phnum] = EATING;


printf("Philosopher %d takes fork %d and %d\n",
phnum + 1, LEFT + 1, phnum + 1);

printf("Philosopher %d is Eating\n", phnum + 1);

// sem_post(&S[phnum]) has no effect
// during takefork
// used to wake up hungry philosophers
// during putfork

// take up chopsticks
void take_fork(int phnum)


// state that hungry
state[phnum] = HUNGRY;

printf("Philosopher %d is Hungry\n", phnum + 1);

// eat if neighbours are not eating


// if unable to eat wait to be signalled


// put down chopsticks
void put_fork(int phnum)


// state that thinking
state[phnum] = THINKING;

printf("Philosopher %d putting fork %d and %d down\n",
phnum + 1, LEFT + 1, phnum + 1);
printf("Philosopher %d is thinking\n", phnum + 1);



void* philospher(void* num)

while (1) {

int* i = num;





int main()

int i;
pthread_t thread_id[N];

// initialize the semaphores
sem_init(&mutex, 0, 1);

for (i = 0; i < N; i++)

sem_init(&S[i], 0, 0);

for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {

// create philosopher processes
pthread_create(&thread_id[i], NULL,
philospher, &phil[i]);

printf("Philosopher %d is thinking\n", i + 1);

for (i = 0; i < N; i++)

pthread_join(thread_id[i], NULL);


Expert Solution

Here only a slight change needed to be made to handle the case in which let's say suppose we have 4 philosopher and after each one of them picks their left fork then context switch occurs and we go to next philosopher. that is after philosopher-0 has picked the left fork of index 0 then context switch occurs and we go to philosopher-1 who also captures its left fork i.e. fork 1 and again context switch occurs so in this way switching occurs. so in the ned we will be currently at the philosopher-3 and he would pick its left fork i.e. fork-3 and look for the right fork i.e. fork-0 but this was already picked by the philosopher-0. So the system goes into the deadlock. Here to prevent this situation we just need to change the testing condition for the last philosopher such that he looks for the right fork and after that looks fo left fork. So if this was the case then philosopher-4 instead of picking the leftfork i.e. fork-3 first it will first look for fork-0 but since it is already picked by the philosopher-0 so it will stop. and now the philosopher-2 can continue with its process since fork-3 is still not picked. he puts back fork-2 after eating. So in this way after philosopher-2 , philosopher-1 woulad also complete the task and then philosopher-0. Now after this philosopher-3 can pick the right fork i.e. fork-0 and continue its. task.

void put_fork(int phnum)



// state that thinking

state[phnum] = THINKING;

printf("Philosopher %d putting fork %d and %d down\n",

phnum + 1, LEFT + 1, phnum + 1);

printf("Philosopher %d is thinking\n", phnum + 1);

if(phnum==N-1){ // this is the last philosopher for which we reverse the order of checking it will first check right then left




else{ // this is for the remaining philosopher for which the order of checking will be first check left then right






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