
In: Computer Science

2. Write a C++ program that; Takes in the weight of a person in Kilograms, converts...

2. Write a C++ program that;

Takes in the weight of a person in Kilograms, converts and outputs the equivalent weight in pounds. Format your output to 3 decimal places. Your output should look like this

53.000 Kg is equivalent to 123.459 Ibs

(Note 1Kg = 2.2046226218488 lbs)

Takes in the price of an item on an online store in pound sterling, converts and outputs the equivalent price in U.S dollars. Format your output to 2 decimal places.

Your output should look like this

£24.49 is equivalent to $31.96

To output the pound symbol, you need to display char(156). 156 signifies the pound notation's location on the ascii table shown in class

cout << char(156);

(Note £1 = $1.3048)



Expert Solution

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
    //declare variable
    double kg_weight, lbs_weight, dollar_price,pound_price;
    cout<<"Enter weight of a person in Kilograms: ";
    //takes weight entered by user in kg_weight variable
    //converts kg to pounds
    lbs_weight = kg_weight * 2.2046226218488;
    //below 2 lines are used to format output to 3 decimal places
    cout <<fixed;
    cout <<setprecision(3);
    cout<<kg_weight<< " Kg is equivalent to "<<lbs_weight<<" lbs"<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter price of an item in pound sterling: ";
    //takes price entered by user in pound_price variable
    //converts pound to dollars
    dollar_price = pound_price * 1.3048;
    //below 2 lines are used to format output to 2 decimal places
    cout <<fixed;
    cout <<setprecision(2);
    cout<<"£"<<pound_price<< " is equivalent to "<<char(36)<<dollar_price<<" lbs";
    return 0;


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