
In: Computer Science

Write a program in python programming language to implement/simulate a finite automaton that accepts (only): unsigned...

Write a program in python programming language to implement/simulate a finite automaton that accepts (only): unsigned integer numbers // 123, 007, 4567890, etc. Show: Finite Automaton Definition, Graph, Table.


Expert Solution

if it accepts only positive integers it should reject decimals and negative numbers ar any string that is not a positive integer

following is the python code that accepts only positive integers

dfa = {0:{'0':1, '1':1, '2':1, '3':1, '4':1, '5':1, '6':1, '7':1, '8':1, '9':1, '-':2, '.':2},
       1:{'0':1, '1':1, '2':1, '3':1, '4':1, '5':1, '6':1, '7':1, '8':1, '9':1, '-':2, '.':2},
       2:{'0':2, '1':2,'2':2,'3':2, '4':2, '5':2, '6':2, '7':2, '8':2, '9':2, '-':2, '.':2}} #definition of states as dictionary
def accepts(transitions,initial,accepting,s):
    state = initial
    for c in s:
        state = transitions[state][c]
    return state in accepting
for strings in test_strings:

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