
In: Computer Science

c++ give ways of filling array of uniform random numbers


give ways of filling array of uniform random numbers


Expert Solution

1) Array of random numbers using C++ program,

Create an array:

int my_array[100];. Seed the random number generator srand(0​);.

Loop over your array and fill it up!:

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)

try to get a 20 element array to fill with random numbers from rand. I was told using % 99 is 100 since the count starts at 0. Test and using brackets and +1 with my array increments the array to the next value and doesn't add 1.

2) Fill array with random numbers, Simple programming task - fill array with random integer values. We need to include time. h to Duration: C++ library has a function that generates random numbers, called the rand() function.


using namespace std;
int main()
const unsigned int sizeOfArray =10;
int numberArray[sizeOfArray];

for(int i=0;i<sizeOfArray;i++)

for(int i=0; i<sizeOfArray ; i++)

return 0;





This is ways of filling array of uniform random numbers.

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