
In: Psychology

1. According to Sinnot Armstrong and Fogelin, truth is conventional, but language is not. True False...

1. According to Sinnot Armstrong and Fogelin, truth is conventional, but language is not.



2. You would be breaking a syntactic convention if you picked up a grapefruit and said, “This is a mega-lemon.”



3. The following utterance is a linguistic act: “Buffalo buffalo buffalo”.?



4. When one performs a conversational act, one…

is merely performing a speech act.

is using a speech act, but failing to cause a standard effect in another.

is not using a speech act.


is using a speech act to cause a standard effect in another.

5. When I utter “I congratulate you” I am expressing an explicit performative.



6. Consider the following conversation:

A: Where is Palo Alto?

B: On the surface of the Earth.

The response by B violates which of Grice’s rules?





7. When two people present arguments to each other to try to justify different claims, they are engaging in a cooperative activity.



8. Consider the following conversation:

A: Did you like her singing?

B: Her costume was beautiful.

The response by B violates which of Grice’s rules?





9. The following utterance: “Has this seat been taken?” (said in a theater before the show) conversationally implies…

that the person is offering the seat to another.

that the person is curious about how many people will see the movie.

that the person would like to sit there.

that the seats need to be replaced.

10. The following statement violates which of Grice’s rules?: The senator has the brains of a three-year-old!






Expert Solution

  1. false as they said that language is a system of shared convention used to comunicate.
  2. false as it would be breaking the semantic conventions because they refer to meaning and reference syntactic conventions on the other hand refer to th usage of words to form a meaningful sentence.
  3. true as such examples are given by armstrong and fogelin to refer to linguistic acts
  4. is using a speech act to cause a standard effect in another. as conversational acts are defined as use of speech acts to cause a standard effect in other.
  5. true as it used as an example of explicit performative by fogelin and armstrong.
  6. quantity as it hid an important part of information which should have been said under the rule of quantity
  7. false as they have different claims and are supporting them but in cooperative act both should have a common goal which is absent here
  8. relevance as the subject has been changed and that is violation to this principle
  9. that the person would like to sit there. because one asks it only if he wants to sit there
  10. Quality as there is a lack of evidence here

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