
In: Biology

what are detergents? how do ionic and non-ionic detergents doffer in their ability to disrups membrane...

what are detergents? how do ionic and non-ionic detergents doffer in their ability to disrups membrane structure?


Expert Solution

A detergent is a substance which has cleansing property which remove grease and dirt in water is called as a detergent.Synthetic detergents are mainly classified into three categories on the basis of charge on the hydrophilic surface active group as a)Anionic detergents b)Cationic detergents c)Non-ionic detergents

a)Anionic detergents

Anionic detergents are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohols or hydrocarbons.The molecule of an anionic detergent has an anionic at its polar end.Alkyl benzene sulphonates are obtained by neutralising alkylbenzene sulphonic acids with alkali.In anionic detergents,the anionic part of the molecule is involved in the cleansing action.They are mostly used for household work.Anionic detergents are also used in toothpastes.

b)Cationic Detergents

Cationic detergents are quarternary ammonium salts of amines with acetates,chlorides or bromides as anions.Cationic part possess a long hydrocarbon chain and a positive charge on nitrogen atom.

c)Non-ionic detergents

Non-ionic detergents do not contain any ion in their constitution.One such detergent is formed when stearic aid reacts with polyethyleneglycol.

When an oily piece of cloth is put into a detergent solution the polar part and hydrocarbon part arrange themselves in a specific pattern.The hydrocarbon part of detergent attaches itself to the oily and polar end orients itself towards water leading to formation of micelle.The negatively charged micelle entraps the oily dirt.Each micelle repel each other due to electrostatic repulsion,the tiny dirt particles do not come together and get washed away in water.

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