In: Chemistry
Control Rods are an essential part of a modern Nuclear power reactor.The type and size of rods depend upon expected neutron flux in the Reactor and other designe factors as in Candu,Pwr and BWR reactors.The Principal functions of these Rods is to Control the Run away Uranium fission process to produce energy by absorbing excess neutrons and hence the power factor.
They are composed of chemical elements, such as boron, silver,
indiumand cadmium, that are capable of absorbing many neutrons
without fissioning themselves. Because these elements have
different capture cross sections for neutrons of varying energies,
the composition of the control rods must be designed for the
neutron spectrum of the reactor they are supposed to control.
Boiling water reactors (BWR), pressurized water reactors (PWR), and
heavy water reactors(HWR) operate with thermal neutrons, whereas
breeder reactors operate with f