
In: Economics

1) written Submission 2) Group Presentation Overall Grade for this project will be out of 35%...

1) written Submission

2) Group Presentation

Overall Grade for this project will be out of 35% of the total course weight.

The topic of this project will be the pillars that those companies operate under. The ask is as per the below:

Select a company from the Canadian Stock Exchange or the USA, NASDAQ and analyse their pillars and visions. What this company stands for, its vision and explain how those pillars are being executed and how they are helping the business to drive growth from a sales perspective. To guide you with this project, look at the confectionary company, MARS and check out their 5 pillars.

Please pencil down your answers on a word document with no more than 5 pages and 12 Calibri font. This will be used for your written submission.


Expert Solution

Coca cola company:

Mission - Refresh the world. Make a difference.

Vision - To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit. And done in ways that create a more sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet.

More details are shared in the image below about coca cola, How company works, what they focus on and the conscience they follow.

Also available at-

Operation of COCA COLA is as follows,

(All the information provided here is on their website)

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