
In: Psychology

Where we are located within the economic class hierarchy strongly affects how we are perceived and...

Where we are located within the economic class hierarchy strongly affects how we are perceived and how we feel about ourselves.

Think about and discuss what economic class you/your family fall into. How has being a part of this economic class affected how people have perceived you or your family and how do you think this economic location has affected you or your family.

Why is a class so important in American society?

How can your social class impact opportunities and advantages for the future?

Take a look at this article for a frame of reference and to better understand the psychology of social class:


Expert Solution

  • Economic class refers specifically to how one ranks relative to others in terms of income and wealth. Simply put, we are sorted into groups by how much money we have. These groups are commonly understood as lower, middle, and upper class.
  • Socio-economic class, or SES, is a more complex formulation than simply economic class, because it takes into account the social status attached to certain professions considered prestigious, like doctors and professors, for example, and to educational attainment as measured in degrees.
  • It also takes into account the lack of prestige, or even stigma, that may be associated with other professions, like blue-collar jobs or the service sector, and the stigma often associated with not finishing high school.
  • I belong to a middle class family,who are in service sector.We dont have family businesses running with lots of money,but we have enough to stand in society.Yes,belonging to a service class has its disadvantages,even though we never have faced any stigma as such but people belonging to upper class do view us lower than them. People definitely judge you based upon the money and the lifestyle you have.Doing a 9-5 job is praiseworthy for some people,especially if they also belong to the same class.
  • Earlier we never really cared about our social standing,but as times have passed,and people have become more has forced us to think as well.And,yes eventhough,we have no qualms about social class,sometimes awkward situations do happen especially in social gatherings which have a lot of upper class flaunting their possessions. But,still it hasnt been all that negative.
  • Middle class is the "sandwich" class,neither we are in lower class nor in upper rich class.And,yes,money,materialistic possessions,lifestyles etc. have become major predictors of your social standing and prestige.
  • Due to time limite,remaining questions can be asked as another question,they will be answered,thankyou for your cooperation

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