
In: Computer Science

C++ The program will call the start_game function with argument O or X to indicate first...


The program will call the start_game function with argument O or X to indicate first player and will keep track of the next player while players take turns marking the board until the board is full. This version of the game only plays one game.

Class Specifications

TicTacToe class does not have a constructor.
Member Functions and Member(variable) Specifications
+ = public
- = private


New /Update/NoUpdate

Function/Data Member

Functionality of function or data member



bool game_over

No parameters
1) return check_board_full function return value



void start_game(string first_player)

1) first_player function argument value must be X or O; otherwise, throw an Error exception when value is not X or O. Error Message: Player must be X or O.
2)In function set player(private variable) to first_player function argument.
3) After the conditional branch statement, call the clear_board function


void mark_board(int position)

1) Value of int must be in the range 1 to 9; otherwise, throw an Error exception if value not in this range. Error Message: Position must be 1 to 9.
2) Private data player can’t be empty “”, throw an Error exception if player variable is “”. Error Message: Must start game first.

3) Call set_next_player private function


string get_player() const

Return the next_player value



void display_board const

No parameters
Iterate vector of strings pegs to
Display a tic tac toe board in 3x 3 format

private functions


void set_next_player()

Set next_player. If private variable player X, player is O else player is X



void check_board_full

No parameters
1) return false if vector of strings pegs has available slot by checking for a “ “(space)in each element. Otherwise return true



void clear_board const

No parameters
1) Set all 9 elements to a “ “ (space)

Class private Data


string player

Class member variable


vector of string pegs

Class member variable
1) (initialize to 9 “ “(spaces)


Required Test Cases for Assignment (write the code in /homeworks/tic_tac_toe_test/ tic_tac_toe_test.cpp)

Test Case Name

Steps to Test

Test Mark Position accepts values from 1 to 9 only

1) Create an instance of TicTacToe game
2) Call the start game function
3) Use REQUIRE_THROWS_AS to verify game.mark_position(0) throws an Error
4) Use REQUIRE_THROWS_AS to verify game.mark_position(10) throws an Error
5) Call mark board 5 to show that an Error is not thrown.

Test game over if 9 slots are selected.

1)Create an instance of TicTacToe game
2)Call the start game function
3)Call mark board 9 times using numbers 1 to 9 in the following order(this test case will eventually be the test for CAT tie case)


Expert Solution

I develop code different way please see

first import header file , create global variable

function to show the current status of the gaming board

function name is display_board()....

function to get the player input and update the board

function name is player_turn().....

continue above function

function to get the game status e.g. GAME WON, GAME DRAW, GAME IN CONTINUE MODE

function name is gameover()....

main method...

output view



crazy code......!!

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