
In: Computer Science

Error detection/correction C Objective: To check a Hamming code for a single-bit error, and to report...

Error detection/correction C


To check a Hamming code for a single-bit error, and to report and correct the error(if any)


1.The maximum length of a Hamming code

2.The parity of the check bits (even=0, odd=1)

3.The Hamming code as a binary string of 0’s and 1’s


1.The original parity bits (highest index to lowest index, left to right)

2.The new parity bits (highest index to lowest index, left to right)

3.The bit-wise difference between the original parity bits and the new parity bits

4.The erroneous bit (if any)

5.The corrected Hamming code (if there was an error)


The program checks a Hamming code for a single-bit error based on choosing from a menu of choices, where each choice calls the appropriate procedure, where the choices are:

1) Enter parameters


Hamming code

3) Quit program

To use the Math library, use: “#include <math.h>” to access various functions, such as pow(base, exp), log(number), etc.To perform the XOR function, use the operator “^”.

To use the String library, use: “#include <string.h>” to access various functions, such as strlen(string) which returns an integer representing the

length of a string of characters.

If necessary, include the flag “-lm” when you compile i.e. gcc filename.c–lm to be able to utilize the math library.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

/* declare global var's including a dynamic array of characters to store

the Hamming code,

original parity bits, and new parity bits*/


void "OPTION 1"()


/* prompt for maximum length of hamming code and even/odd parity */

printf("\nEnter the maximum length of the Hamming code: ");

/* allocate memory for Hamming code */




void "OPTION 2"()


/* declare local var's */

/* prompt for Hamming code */

/* calculate actual length of input Hamming code, number of parity bits,

and highest parity bit */

/* Allocate memory for original and new parity bits */

/* Map parity bits within Hamming code to original parity bit array */

/* Calculate new parity bits */


/* initialize parity bit to even/off parity */



/* ignore original parity bit */

/* update new parity bit value based on Hamming code bit

checked */


/* Map new parity bit value to new parity bit array */


/* Calculate error bit by XORing original and new parity bits from

respective arrays, weighted properly */

/* Print original parity bits & new parity bits and bit-wise difference */

/* If error, correct the bit and print which bit is in error and corrected

Hamming code */

/* Else if no error, print message of no code bit error */



/******************************* OPTIONAL ************************/

void "FREE MEMORY"()


/* If daynamic array representing Hamming code is not NULL, free the

memory */




int main()


/* print menu of options, select user's choice, call appropriate

procedure, and loop until user quits */

return 1;


Please do not use abcdef as variable names


Expert Solution

#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

    /** Initializing the global variables */
    int MaxLength;
    int length;
    int parity;
    // Initialize the hamming string with a random or NULL memory address
    char *HammingString=NULL;

    /** Function to enter the values */
    void EnterParameters(int *length, int *parity)
        printf("Enter the maximum length: ");
        /** %d reads an integer to be stored in an int. This integer can be signed */
        scanf("%d", length);
        printf("Enter the parity (0=even, 1=odd): ");
        /** %d reads an integer to be stored in an int. This integer can be signed */
        scanf("%d", parity);

    void CheckHamming(char *HammingString, int parity)
        // Initializing the local variables i, j, k, start, length, ParityNumber
        int i, j, k, start, length, ParityNumber;
        printf("Enter the Hamming code: ");
        scanf("%s", HammingString);

        int ErrorBit = 0;                        // Initialize the error bit
        length = strlen(HammingString);          // The strlen computes the length of a string up to, but not including the terminating null character
        if (length > MaxLength)
            printf("\n** Invalid Entry - Exceeds Maximum Code Length of %d\n\n", MaxLength);
        ParityNumber = ceil(log(length)/log(2)); // The ceil function returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to 'x'.

        for(i = 0; i < ParityNumber; i++)
            // pow returns x raised to the power y. In this case, 2 raised to the power i.
            start = pow(2, i);
            int ParityCheck = parity;

            for(j = start; j < length; j=j+(2*start))
                for(k = j; (k < ((2*j) - 1)) && (k < length); k++)
                    ParityCheck ^= (HammingString[length - k] - '0');
                } // End the k for-loop
            } // End the j for-loop

                ErrorBit = ErrorBit + (ParityCheck * start);
            } // End the i for-loop

        if(ErrorBit == 0)
            printf("No error \n");
            printf("There is an error in bit: %d\n", ErrorBit);
            if(HammingString[length - ErrorBit] == '0')
                HammingString[length - ErrorBit] = '1';
                HammingString[length - ErrorBit] = '0';

            printf("The corrected Hamming code is: %s \n", HammingString);
    } // End CheckHamming

    int main()

        int parity;
        int choice = 0;
            printf("Error detection/correction: \n");
            printf("1) Enter parameters \n");
            printf("2) Check Hamming code \n");
            printf("3) Exit \n");
            printf("\nEnter selection: ");
            scanf("%d", &choice);

            while (choice != 3)
                if (choice == 1)
                    EnterParameters(&MaxLength, &parity);
                    HammingString = (char*) malloc (MaxLength * sizeof(char));
                else if (choice == 2)
                    CheckHamming(HammingString, parity);
                    printf("Valid options are 1, 2, or 3. Quitting program. \n");
            }//end while
    }//end main

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