
In: Computer Science

Alice is sending message “HIDE” to Bob. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm, with the...

Alice is sending message “HIDE” to Bob. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm, with the following information: parameters p=11,q=5, e=7

Present all the information that you will need to encrypt and decrypt only the first letter from text


Expert Solution

To perform encryption we have formula as

c = me mod n

Where n = pq = 55

Now Lets Encrypt the message first letter i.e. H

We write letters as number i.e. map A as 0 , B as 1 , C as 2 ............ Z as 25 .

So we have H = 8

Now lets apply the formula

87 mod 55= 2 = B

Similarly we can do all other

I = 9 so we get 97 mod 55 = 4 = E

Hence we get Encrypted text as = BEQX

Now lets Decrypt the message

To do so we need to get Private key d

To. Compute the secret exponent d, 1<d<ϕ, such that e*d ≡ 1 mod ϕ

where ϕ = (p-1) ( q-1) = 40

We get d = 23

Then we have to use the this formula for decryption m = Cd mod n

So Lets see the that we get decrypted message as HIDE or not

d = 223 mod 55 = 8 = H

423 mod 55 = 9 = I

Similarly we get decrypted message as HIDE which is same as original message

This is how we can do encryption and decryption in RSA algorithm

Thank You

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