
In: Computer Science

Description: The purpose of the program is to create a Java ticket purchasing program that allows...

Description: The purpose of the program is to create a Java ticket purchasing program that allows for users to log in, purchase tickets, keep records of tickets purchased, and keep information about the user.

Program Requirements: The following are the program requirements:

  1. Must be fully functioning including registration, log-in, view events, and purchase tickets
  2. Tickets should be purchased using “points”, no information should be provided via the user for payment method. Default each user to an allotted number of points and have a way to add to the points from the menu.
  3. Must include a user interface for the user to interact with (this can be through command line interface or graphical interface. Either way, it should be clearly and easily navigated.)
  4. The program should be clearly commented and documented
  5. The program should use a client-server configuration. Data for the users should be kept on the server either in files or a mysql database and the client program should request the data from the server.
  6. At least 2 vulnerabilities must be left in the program. The vulnerabilities should be documented in private documentation. All other vulnerabilities should be considered and mitigated.

Deliverables: All program code and documentation including a user guide.


Expert Solution

Java ticket purchasing program that allows for users to log in, purchase tickets, keep records of tickets purchased, and keep information about the user

How to implement seat booking process?

Solution :

The Main Classes to be used for the user personas :

  • User
  • Movie
  • Theater
  • Booking
  • Address
  • Facilities

Here we create  movie ticket booking system like just have to change name class movie to get your program.


// Java skeleton code to design an online Ticket booking system.
// booking system.
Enums :

   public enum SeatStatus {

public enum MovieStatus {

public enum MovieType {

public enum SeatType {

public enum PaymentStatus {

class User {

   int userId;
   String name;
   Date dateOfBirth;
   String mobNo;
   String emailId;
   String sex;

class Movie {

   int movieId;
   int theaterId;
   MovieType movieType;
   MovieStatus movieStatus;

class Theater {

   int theaterId;
   String theaterName;
   Adress adress;

   List<Movie> movies;
   float rating;

class Booking {
   int bookingId;
   int userId;
   int movieId;
   List<Movie> bookedSeats;
   int amount;
   PaymentStatus status_of_payment;
   Date booked_date;
   Time movie_timing;

class Address {

   String city;
   String pinCode;
   String state;
   String streetNo;
   String landmark;
/*This is an OOP design question, so full code is not required. The above code has classes and attributes only. In the above code, as you can see enums are self-explanatory.
We have users class in which users details are kept.
Theater class in which name of the theater, it’s address and list of movies currently running are kept.
Booking class lets you book the seat in a particular theater. It keeps a reference in Movie, Payment class.*/

This is your answer just run the code in compiler.

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