
In: Operations Management

Create a presentation with speaker notes, 5–7 slides in length (200–400 words per slide), that defines...

Create a presentation with speaker notes, 5–7 slides in length (200–400 words per slide), that defines a culture of accountability and quality excellence and recommends how to foster this in the emergency department.


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Evaluating a Physician Health Care Services Centre is more demanding as compared to assessing the performance of a traditional manufacturing company or any other form of enterprise (Jacobs, Smith, & Street, 2009). The productivity evaluation process in the health care center is a little harder since the institutions deal with restoration of human health into the right track. However challenging and involving the productivity evaluation process may be, it is paramount to have a solid basis on which organizational decisions based.

In determining the productivity of the Physician Care Services, I will employ two key metrics. The two metrics are output per labor and overall service and productivity of the enterprise (Jacobs, Smith, & Street, 2009).

By using the output per employee, it is easy to have first-hand data that will help in determining the productivity level of individual employees and how well they are committed to their duties. Output per employee can determined by observation of how many patients the physician can attend to within a specified timeframe (Jenkins, 2012). While conducting the productivity exercise, it is important to note that some medical issues may require more time than others. Therefore, the degree of the patients’ needs should put into considerations.

Overall, service performance is as well, a fundamental tool for measuring the productivity of a health care center. By compiling data on the daily activities attended to in the organization and the number of patients attended will help, in measuring the performance of the health institution (Jenkins, 2012). However, it is imperative that some serious health issues solved every day noted, since if an organization can attend to a considerable number of serious health problems it means that the team is improving in its service provision.

Determining the productivity of the health care center through output per employee is important, as it will help in making adjustments that will enhance future performance of the employees. For example, the unmotivated employees warned, motivated, and retrained. Besides, the evaluation process by measuring the overall performance of the health care center will help to identify areas in the firm that need improvement (Jacobs, Smith, & Street, 2009).


Jacobs, R., Smith, P. C., & Street, A. (2009). Measuring efficiency in health care: Analytic techniques and health policy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Jenkins, D. (2012). Measuring performance: A toolkit of traditional and alternative methods. Farnham, Surrey: Gower.

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