In: Biology
INFECTIOUS DISEASE CASE STUDY 17- Gram - Coccobacilli Three-year-old Michael is brought to the emergency room of a large metropolitan hospital by his parents. What began about a week ago as a seemingly mild cold has turned into a severe cough. Michael has experienced several “fits” of coughing in the past 24 hours. Each seems to become more violent. During the latest, he seemed unable to get air and had begun to turn blue in the hands, feet, nose, and lips. Between coughs, he noisily gasps for air. After a quick examination, the doctor readily admits him in respiratory isolation. Laboratory Diagnosis A nasopharyngeal swab is obtained and quickly sent to the laboratory for culturing in Bordet-Gengou medium containing fresh blood. After five days of incubation, tiny glistening colonies with a pearl-luster appearance were visible. A narrow zone of hemolysis is present around the colonies. Immunofluorescent staining revealed tiny coccobacilli.
1. Which of these is the most likely cause of Michael’s symptoms? (1 point) - Diphtheria - Pertussis - Tuberculosis - Pneumocystis carnii
2. What is the name of the microorganism that causes this infection? Type answer as two words, using appropriate capitalization and separating each word with one space. (1 point)
3. What is the common name of this infection? Type answer as two words, separated by one space and using lowercase letters. (1 point)
4. Explain why this infection was given this common name. Type answer as 1 or 2 short sentences in your own words and using correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Copied and pasted answers may receive 0 credit. (2 points)
5. Most cases of this infection occur in what population? (1 point) - Children under 5 and older adults - children 4 years of age and under - Immunocompromised individuals - teenagers to young adults
6. The route of transmission for this infection is primarily through _______________. - Feces - Respiratory droplets - Bodily fluids - Parenteral injection
7. During the catarrhal stage of this infection, which of the following symptoms occur? Mark all that apply. - Whoop sound upon inhalation - sneezing - Nasal drainage - nasal congestion - Hacking cough - occasional cough
8. During the paroxysmal stage of this infection, which of the following symptoms occur? Mark all that apply. - Whoop sound upon inhalation - sneezing - Nasal drainage - nasal congestion - Hacking cough - occasional cough
9. What standard “well baby” immunization procedure has Michael likely missed? Be specific please
10. Knowing the immunization for this infection was likely missed, for what other diseases is Michael at risk? Explain. Be specific.
11. What is the prescribed treatment for this infection?
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