
In: Computer Science

What are the UNIX commands for each of these steps? 1. Copy all of the files...

What are the UNIX commands for each of these steps?

1. Copy all of the files in your Files directory to the Backup directory.
2. Create an ITE130 directory in the Classes Directory
3. Move all the ITE 130 files from the backup directory to the ITE130 directory.
4. Redirect echo step 19 to mark this step in the lab3.txt file
5. Display all of the directories and sub-directories including files so I can verify you completed all the
above steps correctly.
6. Repeat the above step and redirect the output to the file lab3.txt without erasing what is already in it!


Expert Solution

1. Copy all of the files in your Files directory to the Backup directory.

$ cp * /backup

  • cp : it is used to copy files from one directory to another.
  • Here * is a star wildcard which selects all the files.
  • /backup:this is your backup directory where all the files from your current dircetory gets copied to backup directory.

2. Create an ITE130 directory in the Classes Directory

mkdir directory/ITE130.
  • mkdir:it a command to create directory
  • directory:This is a class name which is considered as directory name and using directory/ITE130 creates ITE130 dircetory in specified directory which is directory.

3.Move all the ITE 130 files from the backup directory to the ITE130 directory.

Imagining /backup is the directory where all ITE130 files are stored.

$ cp */directory /backup

  • first we create a backup directory by copying all files from directory dir(*/directory)to backup directory
$ mv /backup/*  /ITE130
  • mv:mv command is used to move the files or directories from one directory to another directory.
  • /backup/*:/backup is the directory name where all the ITE130 files are backed up , /* selects all the files from /backup directory to /ITE130 directory.

4. Redirect echo step 19 to mark this step in the lab3.txt file

$echo step 19 >lab3.txt

  • step 19 are the command lines in echo whic are redirected into the file lab3 text file

5. Display all of the directories and sub-directories including files so I can verify you completed all the
above steps correctly.

$ ls -d $PWD/*

  • list all directories and files with full path name

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