
In: Computer Science

This C++ CODE has many functions that needs to be tested piece by piece For example,...

This C++ CODE has many functions that needs to be tested piece by piece

For example, you going to display each function with [ ] and a , separating each piece of data, like so: [1,2,3,4]?

results must be copied and pasted as commnets at the bottom of this file

this is the code:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <cstddef> //for NULL

using namespace std;

class List



       struct Node


           int data;

           Node* next;

           Node(int data): data(data), next(NULL){}


       typedef struct Node* Nodeptr;

       Nodeptr first;

       Nodeptr last;

       int size;


       /**Constructors */



               first = NULL;

               last = NULL;

               size = 0;


       /* Destructors*/



           Nodeptr cursor = first;

           Nodeptr temp;

           while (cursor != NULL)


               temp = cursor -> next;

               delete cursor;

               cursor = temp;





               /* last = NULL;

               while(first != NULL)


                   Nodeptr temp = first;

                   first = first->next;

                   delete temp;

               } /*


       int getFirst()



               return 0;

           return first->data;


       int getLast()



               return 0;

           return last->data;


       bool isEmpty()


           if(first == NULL)


               return true;


               else return false;


       int getSize()


           return size; // return the size of the list


       /**Manipulation Procedures*/

       void removeLast()


           if(isEmpty() == false) // if list is not empty


               if(first -> next == NULL) // list has only 1 node


                   delete first;

                   first = NULL;

                   last = NULL;




                   Nodeptr temp = first;

                   while(temp -> next != last)


                       temp = temp -> next; //advance the pointer


                   delete last; //free the memory for the original last node

                   temp -> next = NULL; //so last->next is not pointing at freed memory

                   last = temp;

                   size -- ; // decreasing size




       void removeFirst()


           if (size == 0)


               cout << "removeFirst: List is empty. no data to remove." << endl;


           else if (size == 1)


               delete first;

               first = last = NULL;

               size = 0;




               Nodeptr temp = first; //store pointer to first so we dont lose access

               first = first -> next; //advance the pointer

               delete temp; //free the memory for the original first node





           if(isEmpty() == false)


               if(first -> next == NULL)// list has only one node


                   first = NULL;

                   last = NULL;

                   delete first;




                   Nodeptr temp = first;

                   first = first -> next;

                   delete temp;


               size = size - 1;


       } */

       void insertLast(int data)


           if(first == NULL)


               first = new Node(data);

               last = first;




               last -> next = new Node(data);

               last = last -> next;




       void insertFirst(int data)


           if (size == 0)


               first = new Node(data);

               last = first;




               Nodeptr N = new Node(data);

               N -> next = first;

               first = N;


           size ++;

           /*if(first == NULL)


               first = new Node(data);

               last = first;




               Nodeptr temp = new Node(data);

               temp -> next = first;

               first = temp;


           size++; */


       /**Additional List Operations*/

       void printList()


           Nodeptr temp = first;

           while(temp != NULL)


               cout << temp -> data <<" ";

               temp = temp -> next;


           cout << endl;



int main()


   List list;






   cout<<"Size: "<<list.getSize()<<endl;

   return 0;



Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstddef> //for NULL

using namespace std;

class List

struct Node
int data;
Node* next;

Node(int data): data(data), next(NULL){}

typedef struct Node* Nodeptr;

Nodeptr first;
Nodeptr last;
int size;


/**Constructors */

first = NULL;
last = NULL;
size = 0;

/* Destructors*/
Nodeptr cursor = first;
Nodeptr temp;

while (cursor != NULL)
temp = cursor -> next;
delete cursor;
cursor = temp;


/* last = NULL;
while(first != NULL)
Nodeptr temp = first;
first = first->next;
delete temp;
} /*


int getFirst()
return 0;

return first->data;

int getLast()
return 0;

return last->data;

bool isEmpty()
if(first == NULL)
return true;

else return false;

int getSize()
return size; // return the size of the list

/**Manipulation Procedures*/

void removeLast()

if(isEmpty() == false) // if list is not empty

if(first -> next == NULL) // list has only 1 node
delete first;
first = NULL;
last = NULL;


Nodeptr temp = first;

while(temp -> next != last)
temp = temp -> next; //advance the pointer


delete last; //free the memory for the original last node
temp -> next = NULL; //so last->next is not pointing at freed memory
last = temp;

size -- ; // decreasing size


void removeFirst()
if (size == 0)
cout << "removeFirst: List is empty. no data to remove." << endl;

else if (size == 1)
delete first;
first = last = NULL;
size = 0;


Nodeptr temp = first; //store pointer to first so we dont lose access
first = first -> next; //advance the pointer
delete temp; //free the memory for the original first node

if(isEmpty() == false)

if(first -> next == NULL)// list has only one node
first = NULL;
last = NULL;
delete first;

Nodeptr temp = first;
first = first -> next;
delete temp;

size = size - 1;
} */

void insertLast(int data)
if(first == NULL)
first = new Node(data);
last = first;

last -> next = new Node(data);
last = last -> next;


void insertFirst(int data)
if (size == 0)
first = new Node(data);
last = first;


Nodeptr N = new Node(data);
N -> next = first;
first = N;

size ++;

/**Additional List Operations*/

void printList()
Nodeptr temp = first;
cout <<"[";
while(temp != NULL)
cout << temp -> data <<",";
temp = temp -> next;
cout <<"]"<< endl;


int main()

List list;
list.printList(); // this should print [1]
list.printList(); // this should print [2,1]
list.printList(); // this should print [2,1,3]
list.printList(); // this should print [4,2,1,3]

list.printList(); // this should print [2,1,3]

cout<<"Size: "<<list.getSize()<<endl;
return 0;

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