In: Statistics and Probability
1. Select at least three variables that you believe have a linear relationship. a. Specify how you will measure each of these variables (i.e., what instrument will you use and provide an APA reference for the instrument
Let us consider the following variables: Score in Tests, Hours of Study and Financial Condition of the Student's Family...
Here, we just want to find a linear relationship among these variables... In this regard, we can collect a sample of students (say from 10 respondents) and then ask them about the number of hours that they study per day. Analyse their financial condition and then rate it on a predetermined scale (say 1 to 5)...
Later on we can determine the linear relationship among these variables...
Process/Instrument: Multiple Regression in Excel/R/Minitab/ SPSS etc...
Sample Solution:
So, the linear equation is:
Score = 3.72 + 1.92*Hours + 0.125*Economic Condition...
Excel Solution:
The Excel output is:
Score = 3.72 + 1.92*Hours + 0.125*Economic Condition...
End of the Solution...