
In: Computer Science

A simple anagram finder program in Golang?

A simple anagram finder program in Golang?


Expert Solution

  • Below is the detailed solution of the above problem in Golang with code and output.
  • For better understanding read the comments mentioned in the code.
  • The program will make you enter two strings and will tell you if both are anagrams or not.
  • CODE:

package main

// import packages
import "fmt"
import "reflect"

// driver function
func main() {
//string variables to take input from user
   var s1 string
   var s2 string
   //ask and input from user
   fmt.Println("Enter the first string")
   fmt.Scanf("%s", &s1)
   fmt.Println("Enter the second string")
   fmt.Scanf("%s", &s2)

//if both strings are of unequal length
   if len(s1) != len(s2) {
       fmt.Println("These strings are not anagrams.")

   //create a map and store (key, value) pair as (character, frequency)
   map1 := make(map[string]int)

//traverse string s1
   for _, r := range s1 {
       //string(r) used to convert rune type to string type
       j := map1[string(r)]
       //if not present,then create it otherwise add into it
       if j == 0 {
           map1[string(r)] = 1
       }else {
           map1[string(r)] = j + 1
   //create a map and store (key, value) pair as (character, frequency)
map2 := make(map[string]int)
   //traverse string s2
   for _, r := range s2 {
       //string(r) used to convert rune type to string type
       j := map2[string(r)]
//if not present,then create it otherwise add into it
       if j == 0 {
           map2[string(r)] = 1
       }else {
           map2[string(r)] = j + 1

   // so if both strings are anagrams i.e, having same frequency of each character in any order the
   // hashmap for both will be equal so comparing hashmap we get,
   anagram := reflect.DeepEqual(map1, map2)
   //if anagram is true otherwise false
   if anagram {
       fmt.Println("These strings are anagrams.")
   }else {
       fmt.Println("These strings are not anagrams.")

  1. aab
    These strings are anagrams.
  2. aab
    These strings are not anagrams.
  • Below is the screenshot of the code attached for better clarity ad understanding.


So if you have any doubt regarding this solution then please feel free to ask in the comment section below and if it is helpful then please upvote this solution, THANK YOU.

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