
In: Computer Science

C++ PROGRAM Code a generic (with templates) Queue structure (linear Data structure with FIFO functionality) and...


Code a generic (with templates) Queue structure (linear Data structure with FIFO functionality) and create a test to validate its functionality. The data consists of persons with the attributes of name, last name, age, height and weight.

- Remembrer that,

Their structure consists of:

  • Head: Pointer to the first element of the queue
  • Tail: Pointer to the last element of the queue

And the following operations:

  • Pop: Removes the element at the head
  • Top: Returns the current element at the head
  • Push: Adds a new element at the tail
  • isEmpty: Determine if there are any elements in the queue


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

// define default capacity of the queue
#define SIZE 10

class person{
string name;
string lastname;
int age;
double height;
double weight;
person(string Name,string Lastname,int Age,double Height,double Weight){
void display(){
cout<<"\tname= "<<name<<"\n\tlastname= "<<lastname<<"\n\tage= "<<age;
cout<<"\n\theight= "<<height<<"\n\tweight "<<weight<<endl;

// Class for queue
template <class X>
class queue
   X *arr;        // array to store queue elements
   int capacity; // maximum capacity of the queue
   int head;     // head points to front element in the queue (if any)
   int tail;    // end points to last element in the queue
   int count;     // current size of the queue

   queue(int size = SIZE);       // constructor

   void pop();
   void push(X x);
   X top();
   int size();
   bool isEmpty();
   bool isFull();

// Constructor to initialize queue
template <class X>
queue<X>::queue(int size)
   arr = (X*)malloc(size*sizeof(X));
   capacity = size;
   head = 0;
   tail = -1;
   count = 0;

// Utility function to remove front element from the queue
template <class X>
void queue<X>::pop()
   // check for queue underflow
   if (isEmpty())
       cout << "UnderFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";

   head = (head + 1) % capacity;

// Utility function to add an item to the queue
template <class X>
void queue<X>::push(X item)
   // check for queue overflow
   if (isFull())
       cout << "OverFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";

   tail = (tail + 1) % capacity;
   arr[tail] = item;

// Utility function to return front element in the queue
template <class X>
X queue<X>::top()
   if (isEmpty())
       cout << "UnderFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";
   return arr[head];

// Utility function to return the size of the queue
template <class X>
int queue<X>::size()
   return count;

// Utility function to check if the queue is empty or not
template <class X>
bool queue<X>::isEmpty()
   return (size() == 0);

// Utility function to check if the queue is full or not
template <class X>
bool queue<X>::isFull()
   return (size() == capacity);

int main()
   // create a queue of capacity 4
   queue<person> q(4);
   //person(string name,string lastname,int age,double height,double weight)
person a("nobita","nobi",12,3.2,21.3);
person b("shinchan","nohara",8,1.5,16.4);
person c("kainachi","mitsuba",11,3.1,20.5);
   cout << "Front element is: \n";;

   cout << "Queue size is " << q.size() << endl;

//   q.pop();
   if (q.isEmpty())
       cout << "Queue Is Empty\n";
       cout << "Queue Is Not Empty\n";

   return 0;


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