1) What is more useful for computing and understanding a measure
of something, the average or the standard deviation? Why?
- Average and Standard Deviation are extent of center and spread
independently. In any case ordinary is definitely not hard to
figure and adequately understandable to a layman in addition
2) Why would you use a non parametric statistic?
- Frequently, everything considered, condition we find the use of
parametric estimations is limited as they make a couple of
necessity and assumptions about the allocation of the data, etc. On
the other hand we find that non parametric estimation are
fundamentally increasingly versatile in this situation. In like
manner their application diminishes the complexcity parametric bits
of knowledge incorporates. To the exclusion of everything else non
parametric estimation is useful for ordinal data as well.
3) If two things are correlated, does that mean one thing is
causing the other to happen?
- If two thing are related, that does not continually suggest
that one is causing the other. For example the rising advancement
of paddy in a field and the amount of understudies going in a test
may show a positive association anyway they no spot have a causal
relationship .