
In: Math

This assignment is a series of short answer, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions based on the...

This assignment is a series of short answer, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions based on the article, “The Effects of Hospital-Level Factors on Patients' Ratings of Physician Communication” (Al-Amin & Makaremet, 2016).

What statistical techniques were used for the results presented in Table 2?  Summarize the findings from this statistical analysis (20 points).

Statistical Technique:

Findings based on statistical technique:

            Overall model:

            Individual factors:


Expert Solution

The statistical technique used for the results in table 2 are-

They've used the p-value and t-test to tell the significance of the survey and the relation between the physician and the patient. There is a regression analysis using statistical software (Stata 13, StataCorp) to determine the association between
ratings of physician communication and organizational-level predictors. Outliers or extreme values influence regression parameters and, therefore, are of concern in any regression analysis. High leverage refers to data points that have
extreme values on a given predictor

The regression analysis results indicate that the regression model is significant with F = 53.75 (p < .001),and that the predictors in the model account for 16% of the variance in physician ratings (Table 2). The results also show that all but three hospital-level factors have a statistically significant association with patient ratings of physician communication at a .05 significance level. The hospital’s specialty status, teaching status, and availability of fully implemented EHRs had no significant association with ratings of physician communication. Hospital size, hospitalists’ providing care at the hospital, and for-profit ownership were significant predictors of, and positively associated with, the percentage of patients who rated physician communication poorly (p < .01). For-profit hospitals and larger hospitals received poorer patient ratings of physician communication.


The technique used is the regression technique where the data is compared and the output is statistically explained . Here the p-value and t -values are used to take out the results of the theory.


The conceptual framework by Donabedian (1980) has been used frequently in health services research on quality.
According to this framework, there are three categories for assessing quality:

(1) structure—organizational characteristics or attributes, such as staff-to-patient ratio, that influence care delivery;

(2) process—protocols, practices, and the actual steps followed in delivering the service;

(3) outcomes—measures
such as survival and mortality rates,readmission rates, and patient satisfaction and number of complaints (Blies-
mer, Smayling, Kane, & Shannon, 1998; Davis, 1991). Both structure and process influence outcomes.


(1) technical, the medical and clinical dimensions of care such as mortality and survival rates, and

(2) interpersonal, the sociopsychological features of physician–patient communication .

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