
In: Computer Science

Write a C program that does the following. (a) Start with comment statements at the top...

Write a C program that does the following.

(a) Start with comment statements at the top (before your includes) with the following info: Name, Date

(b) Write the following functions:

void setupRandArray(int n, int x[], int min, int max)

void printArray(int n, int x[], char label[])

float getAverage(int n, int x[]) int getMaximum(int n, int x[])

int getCountInRange(int n, int x[], int min, int max)

Note: This function returns the number elements of x that are between min and max (including min and max).

(c) Write a main to test your functions. Create an array of random test scores between 70 and 100. Compute the average score, the high score, and the number of B grades.

A typical output is shown below. Do all printing of results at the end of main. Run your program twice: once with 10 scores and then with 20 scores. Put your output in comments underneath main.

Hint: Set up a variable for the array size in main so that you can easily change it.

scores: 78 93 72 98 94 92 86 90 83 75

ave: 81.2

high: 98

numB: 2

scores: 88 71 95 83 88 90 72 89 79 73 94 91 86 88 78 92 82 81 76 70

ave: 83.2

high: 95

numB: 8


Expert Solution

C Code:

//Name : ---- Roll :----
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//function defintion to create or setup random array of size n between min and max
void setupRandArray(int n, int x[], int min, int max){
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    x[i] = (rand() % (max-min+1)) + min;       //rand() is function to generate random numBer.

void printArray(int n, int x[], char label[]){
  printf("scores %s",label);
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    printf("%d ", x[i]);  //printing array elements
double getAverage(int n, int x[])  //function defintion for calculating average
    double ans = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
         ans += x[i];               //calculating sum of all elements
   return ans/n;                    //returning the sum of elements
int getMaximum(int n, int x[])      //function defintion for calculating maximum in array
    int max = -1;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
       if(max < x[i])
       max = x[i];
  return max;               //returning max value
int getCountInRange(int n, int x[], int min, int max)       //function defintion to calculate no in range
  int cnt=0;
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
      if(x[i] >= min && x[i] < max)         //checking for range
  return cnt;                           //return the no. which are in range
int main()
  int n = 20,high,numB;
  double avg;
  int arr[n];
  int min = 70, max = 100;
  char label []=": ";
  setupRandArray(n, arr, min, max);
  printArray(n, arr, label);
  avg = getAverage(n, arr);
  high = getMaximum(n, arr);
  numB = getCountInRange(n, arr, 90, 100);
  printf("\nave: %.1f\n", avg);
  printf("high: %d\n", high);
  printf("numB: %d\n", numB);
//Output for 10 elemnts
/*scores : 80 92 80 96 81 77 78 71 93 75
ave: 82.3
high: 96
numB: 3*/
//Output for 20 elements
/*scores : 80 92 80 96 81 77 78 71 93 75 71 98 70 95 80 96 89 77 92 81 
ave: 83.6
high: 98
numB: 7*/

Output for 10 elements:

Output for 20 elements:

If you have any doubt feel free to ask and if you like the answer please upvote it .


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