
In: Computer Science

PLEASE INCLUDE THE SOURCE CODE AND OUTPUT PLEASE AND THANKS!!This assignment covers recursion and linked list...

PLEASE INCLUDE THE SOURCE CODE AND OUTPUT PLEASE AND THANKS!!This assignment covers recursion and linked list which include the following tasks:

2. a. Using C/C++, construct a single linked list of 8 nodes and assign random numbers as the nodes’ values. Then print the list from the first node to the last. Finally, free all memories of the linked list.

b. Using C/C++, construct a single linked list of 8 nodes and assign random numbers as the nodes’ values. Then create a new node and assign its value 100; insert this node at the sixth position of the list, and define a recursive function to print the list to verify the result. After that, delete the eighth node of the list to keep the linked list having 8 nodes, and define another recursive function to reprint the linked list backwards (from the last to the first).


Expert Solution

//File libsll.h

#ifndef sll_lib_h

#define sll_lib_h



typedef struct node{

int value;

struct node * next;


node * newnode(int );

node * create(int );

node * add_beg(node*, int);

node * add_end(node*, int);

node * del_first(node*);

node * del_last(node*);

int size(node*);

int loc_check(node*,int);

node * add_loc(node*,int,int);

node * add_locx(node*,int,int);

node * del_loc(node*,int);

node * del_locx(node*,int);

void display(node *);

node * newnode(int val){

node * new = (node *)malloc(sizeof (node));



return new;


node * create (int val){

node * start = newnode(val);

return start;


node * add_beg(node * head, int val){

node * new = newnode(val);

new->next = head;

head = new;

return head;


node * add_end(node * head, int val){


node * new = newnode(val);





return head;


node * del_first(node * head){


printf("Empty List\n");



return head;


node * del_last(node * head){


printf("Empty List\n");

else if(head->next==NULL)



head->next = del_last(head->next);

return head;


int size(node * head){

int sz=0;


return sz;


sz = 1 + (size(head->next));

return sz;


int loc_check(node * head, int loc){


return 1;


return 0;


node * add_locx(node * head, int loc, int val){




head->next=add_locx(head->next, loc-1, val);

return head;


node * add_loc(node * head,int loc,int val){

if (loc_check(head,loc)==0){

printf("Invalid Location\n");

return head;



return (add_locx(head, loc, val));


node * del_locx(node * head, int loc){




head->next=del_locx(head->next, loc-1);

return head;


node * del_loc(node * head, int loc){


return del_locx(head, loc);


printf("Invalid Location\n");

return head;



void display(node * head){


printf("Empty List\n");

else if(head->next!=NULL){

printf("|%d| -> ",head->value);






void display_reverse(node * head){


printf("Empty List\n");

else if(head->next!=NULL){


printf(" <- |%d|",head->value);





void free_list(node * head){










#include "libsll.h"

int main(){

node * n;

n=create(51);//first node

n=add_beg(n,6);//adding nodes at beginning


n=add_end(n,40);//adding nodes at end


n=add_loc(n,2,8);//adding nodes at index





return 0;


//Output: |18| -> |8| -> |6| -> |37| -> |51| -> |40| -> |24| -> |83|



#include "libsll.h"

int main(){

node * n;









n=add_loc(n,6,100); // adding 100 at sixth index


return 0;


//Output: |83| <- |24| <- |40| <- |100| <- |51| <- |37| <- |6| <- |8| <- |18|

Thanks and please upvote if it helped

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