
In: Computer Science

write a C++ Program for matrix operations which include: 1. constructor in the form-- matrix::matrix(int numRows,...

write a C++ Program for matrix operations which include:

1. constructor in the form-- matrix::matrix(int numRows, int numColumns)

2. Implement a setter method of the form: -- void matrix::setElement(int row, int col)

3 Implement a getter method of the form: -- float matrix::getElement(int row, int col)

4. Make a threaded version of the matrix/matrix addition method.

5. Make a threaded version of the matrix/scalar multiplication method.

6. Matrix/matrix addition methods of the form: -- matrix matrix::matrixAdd(matrix inMatrix) // non-threaded version

matrix matrix::matrixAdd_threaded(matrix inMatrix) // threaded version

7. Matrix/scalar multiplication methods of the form: -- matrix matrix::scalarMult(float scalar) // non-threaded version

matrix matrix::scalarMult_threaded(float scalar) // threaded version

8. The vector reduce operation method should be of the form:

float matrix::reduceVec()

The reduce operation must use parallelization with the following algorithm. Use eight threads to compute this. Begin by splitting the vector (a 1xM matrix with one row and M columns) into 8 parts. Compute the sum of those parts and store them. Then, launch eight threads to sum the sums. Do this until you have a single number remaining.


Expert Solution

Summary :

Implemented Threaded and Nonthreaded method functions for Addition , scalar multiplication .

For threaded version , it spawns thread = number of rows and waits for them to return , which in turn iterate over that row and calculate the values.

###################### Cpp ######################################

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
//#include <bits/stdc++.h>
//#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "matrices.h"
#include <thread>

using namespace std;

Matrix::Matrix(int iR, int iC) {
   this->nR = iR;
   nC = iC;
   values = new int* [this->nR];

   for (int i = 0; i < this->nR; i++) {
       values[i] = new int[nC];


void Matrix::setElement(int row, int col, float iValue) {
   values[row][col] = iValue;

float Matrix::getElement(int row, int col) {
   return values[row][col];

Matrix* Matrix::matrixAdd(Matrix& matrx) {

   Matrix* m1 = new Matrix(this->nR, this->nC);

   for (int i = 0; i < this->nR; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < this->nC; j++) {
           m1->setElement(i, j, (this->getElement(i, j) + matrx.getElement(i, j)));
   return m1;


void Matrix::addValues(Matrix* rM, Matrix* aM, int rVal) {

   for (int k = 0; k < nC; k++) {
       rM->setElement(rVal, k, (values[rVal][k] + aM->getElement(rVal, k)));

Matrix* Matrix::matrixAdd_threaded(Matrix* matrx) {
   Matrix* m1 = new Matrix(this->nR, this->nC);
   vector<std::thread> th;
   for (int cR = 0; cR < this->nR; cR++) {
       th.push_back(std::thread([=] { addValues(m1, matrx, cR); }));
   for (auto it = th.begin(); it != th.end(); it++) {
   return m1;

void Matrix::Scalar_multiply(Matrix* rM, float sVal, int cR) {
   for (int k = 0; k < this->nC; k++) {
       rM->setElement(cR, k, (sVal * (values[cR][k])));

Matrix* Matrix::scalarMult_threaded(float sVal) {
   Matrix* m1 = new Matrix(this->nR, this->nC);
   vector<std::thread> th;
   for (int cR = 0; cR < this->nR; cR++) {
       th.push_back(std::thread([=] { Scalar_multiply(m1, sVal, cR); }));
   for (auto it = th.begin(); it != th.end(); it++) {
   return m1;

Matrix* Matrix::scalarMult(float x)
   Matrix* m1 = new Matrix(this->nR, this->nC);

   for (int i = 0; i < this->nR; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < this->nC; j++) {
           m1->setElement(i, j, (this->getElement(i, j) * x));
   return m1;


void Matrix::free_values() {
   for (int i = 0; i < this->nR; i++)
       delete[] values[i];

   delete[] values;


Matrix::~Matrix() {


std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Matrix& M) {
   output << M.nR << "X" << M.nC << "\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < M.nR; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < M.nC - 1; j++) {
           output << M.values[i][j] << "-";
       output << M.values[i][M.nC - 1] << "\n";
   return output;

std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, Matrix& M) {
   char c;
   is >> M.nR >> c >> M.nC;

   M.values = new int* [M.nR];

   for (int i = 0; i < M.nR; i++) {
       M.values[i] = new int[M.nC];

   for (int i = 0; i < M.nR; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < M.nC - 1; j++) {
           is >> M.values[i][j] >> c;

       is >> M.values[i][M.nC - 1];

   return is;

int main() {
   std::istringstream iss1("2X3\n3-4-3\n5-6-3\n");
   std::istringstream iss2("2X3\n6-3-4\n5-5-6\n");

   std::istream is1(iss1.rdbuf());
   std::istream is2(iss2.rdbuf());

   Matrix c1(2, 3), c2(2, 3);
   is1 >> c1; //enter 4,2,4,2
   is2 >> c2;
   std::cout << " Matrix c1 : \n" << c1;
   std::cout << " Matrix c2 : \n" << c2;

   Matrix* cadd = c1.matrixAdd(c2);
   std::cout << " Result matrix of c1 + c2 : \n" << *cadd;
   Matrix* cs = c2.scalarMult(2.0);
   std::cout << " After c2.calarMult(2) \n" << *cs;

   Matrix* cadt = c1.matrixAdd_threaded(&c2);

   std::cout << " Result matrixT of c1 + c2 : \n" << *cadt;

   Matrix* sM = cadt->scalarMult_threaded(3.0);
   std::cout << " After Scalar multiplication with 3.0 \n" << *sM;


############################ End #################################

########################### Header File #########################

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Matrix
//the private data members

        private :
                int **values ;
                int nR , nC ;

                Matrix(int, int);
               void setElement(int row, int col , float iValue);
               float getElement(int row , int col);
               Matrix* matrixAdd( Matrix &matrx ) ;
               Matrix* matrixAdd_threaded( Matrix *matrx ) ;
               void Scalar_multiply( Matrix *rM, float sVal, int cR);
               Matrix* scalarMult_threaded(float sVal);
               void addValues(Matrix *rM , Matrix *aM, int rN );
               Matrix* scalarMult(float x ) ;
               float reduceVec() ;
                friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &output, const Matrix &M ) ;
                friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, Matrix& M);
                void free_values() ;
               //void operator()();



#########################Output #############################


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