
In: Anatomy and Physiology

current surge in numbers of overweight and obese individuals..... .......treatments for obesity i.e. bariatric surgery, stomach...

current surge in numbers of overweight and obese individuals.....
.......treatments for obesity i.e. bariatric surgery, stomach stapling, liposuction, the newly
released OTC version of orlistat, "ALLI" .....
.......the effects of media hype on "thinness"


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National centre for health statistics estimates around 39.8 percentage of the individuals were obese during the year 2015 and 16 at the US. The obesity rates were 35% in the year 1970 has gradually increased to about near 40% in 2015 due to excessive food consumption and reduced physical activity.

Treatment of obesity is of two types medical and surgical.

Medical management involves taking orlistat which is a pancreatic lipase inhibitor. It prevents the breakdown of lipids in the intestine and thus prevents its absorption. So it reduces the calorie intake buy about 2o%.

Surgical procedures for obesity are

1. Biliopancreatic divisum : this procedure contributes for the maximum weight loss and also reduces hypertension and diabetes mellitus after the procedure

2.sleeve gastrectomy:this involves cutting out a part of greater curvature of the stomach thus reducing the area of stomach mucosa

3.gastric bypass: here the stomach bypasses a part of small intestine to reduce absorptive surface

4. gastric banding:inflating a balloon around the stomach and reducing it's capacity. Common complication being erosion of stomach wall

Most of these will have the side effects such as vitamin and other deficiencies,etc.

Media repeatedly stressing over the concept of thin and lean body and fitness has increased the number of cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and thereby leading to an increase in the number of behavioural disorders.

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