
In: Computer Science

d. Utilize the codes you developed so far to calculate the position of the maximum beam...

d. Utilize the codes you developed so far to calculate the position of the maximum beam deflections a function of the beam length (L). Vary L between 100 cm to 1000 cm. Plot the final results, e. Label the axes and comment on the result. Attach your code. f. Based on your result, do you think it is possible that the position of maximum beam deflection is located right at the middle of the beam? Explain your thinking!


Expert Solution


Note: Brother if you have any queries related the answer please do comment. I would be very happy to resolve all your queries.

clear all
close all
format long
for ii=1:length(L)
E = 55000;
I = 30000;
W = 2.2;
% find df/dx
f=@(x) (W*(-5*x^4 + 2* l^2 *3*x^2 - l^4))/(120*E*I*l);
iter = 0;
if f(a)*f(b)>=0

disp('No Root')


prev = (a+b)/2;
while (abs(p-prev)/abs(p)>e)

iter =iter+ 1;

p = (a+b)/2;

if f(p) == 0


if f(a)*f(p)<0

b = p;


a = p;

disp('the required accuracy is not reached in 50 iterations');

ylabel('The position of maximum deflection');

Kindly revert for any queries


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