
In: Computer Science

Write a program in C or C++ that takes a number series of size n (n...

Write a program in C or C++ that takes a number series of size n (n integers) as
input from the user, push all the numbers to the stack, and reverse the stack using recursion. Please note
that this is not simply popping and printing the numbers, but the program should manipulate the stack to
have the numbers stored in reverse order. In addition to the provided header file, the students can use
the following function to print the content of the stack:


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXSIZE 50
int size; 

// structure for stack
struct Stack {
    int top;
    int elements[MAXSIZE];
} s;
// empty stack. top=-1
void init() { = -1;
// check if stack is full or not
int isFull() {   
    if( >= MAXSIZE-1)
        return 1;
        return 0;
// check if stack is empty or not
int isEmpty() {
 if( == -1)
     return 1;
     return 0;
// display the stack
void displayStack(){

//push element in the stack
void push(int ele) {
    if (isFull())
        printf("Stack is Full\n");
    else {
        s.elements[ + 1] = ele;;
//pop top element from stack
int pop() {
    if (isEmpty())
        printf("Stack is Empty...\n");
    else { = - 1;
        return s.elements[];

// insert at bottom
void insertAtBottom(int ele) {
    // check if stack is empty
        if (isEmpty())
        push(ele); // psuh elemnet
    else {
        // store top element
        int t = pop();
        // insert at bottom
        // push top element

// reverse the stack using recursion
void doReverse() {
    if (!isEmpty()) {
        // pop top element using recursion 
        // until stack is empty
        int t = pop();
        // insert element at bottom 

int main() {
        // declare variables
        int i, j, element;
        // take size of stack as input
        printf("Enter the size of stack: ");
        // initialize the stack
    // take input from user
    // for stack elements
        printf("Enter a element to push in the stack: ");
                printf("Element %d has been pushed.\n",element);
        // display the stack
    printf("\nUser given stack: \n");
    // display the current stack
        // call this function to reverse the stack
    printf("\nReversed Stack: \n");
    return 0;


Enter the size of stack: 5
Enter a element to push in the stack: 2
Element 2 has been pushed.
Enter a element to push in the stack: 4
Element 4 has been pushed.
Enter a element to push in the stack: 6
Element 6 has been pushed.
Enter a element to push in the stack: 8
Element 8 has been pushed.
Enter a element to push in the stack: 10
Element 10 has been pushed.

User given stack:

Reversed Stack:


Note: If you have queries or confusion regarding this question, please leave a comment. I would be happy to help you. If you find it to be useful, please upvote.

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