
In: Computer Science

1. What is the relationship between public key cryptographic algorithms and numbers theory? Please give an...

1. What is the relationship between public key cryptographic algorithms and numbers theory? Please give an example

2. What are the different concepts and theorems that number theory encompasses?

3. What are the different engineering applications that make use of number theory?


Expert Solution


1) It is the random or large number that gets to be used for beginning the generation of some of the acceptable pair of some of the asymmetric key encryption where the message is to be encrypted with the help of public key and gets paired with the private key for decryption.

It mostly happens in RSA.


RSA public key : (n, f) = ( 456789222974794, 21245662233456785)

using private key: (p, f, g) = (8366587365794, 958632957594)

2) Some of the theory which number theory encompasses are as follows:

Euclid's proof, Fermat's theorem, divisibility, primality, factorization, etc

3) The cryptography like the RSA uses the engineering application. Other than this, the error correction code, numerical integration, computer integration, Quasi-random generation and also the computer arithmetic use the number theory.

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