
In: Psychology

1. What is skepticism? Describe the concept of skepticism. Look up some definitions online and then...

1. What is skepticism? Describe the concept of skepticism. Look up some definitions online and then present the ideas in your own words. How is skepticism an important part of science?

2. What are two specific demonstrations in Michael Shermer’s TED talk that illustrate the
importance of exercising skepticism when presented with claims? Describe each of the two
demonstrations you selected, and explain Shermer's purpose in presenting the
demonstration. What alternative explanation does Shermer present for the claim?

3. How does the story of Clever Hans illustrate the importance of skepticism? What was the specific test done to falsify the claim that Clever Hans had mathematical ability? In other words, whatntest showed this not to be the case? What was the alternative explanation discovered (i.e., the real reason) for the horse's ability to tap the correct answers to questions asked


Expert Solution

  • 1.It’s the position that no factual statement can be accepted as true unless it is supported by evidence.Skepticism, to be a useful tool, requires a clear understanding of what constitutes evidence and what doesn’t.
  • Skepticism is a philosophical school on the limits of human knowledge. In short, according to a skeptic, a real objective world outside us exists which contains absolute truths, but our human faculties are limited and we can only attain approximate knowledge about these truths. Technical procedures and scientific critique are required to get the best and most accurate possible facts.
  • Skepticism is also a social activity that can have (but in many cases has not) a link to the philosophical school. Skepticism can be (mis)used in any kind of debate debunking wild claims. One can use skepticism in the global warming debate and use scientific facts in the argument or misuse skepticism and deny that any truths about global warming can be known.
  • If, in the face of sufficient and adequate evidence, you refuse to accept a statement as true (for example: that GMO crops are safe or that global warming is a fact) you are not a skeptic, you’re a denialist. If you question the evidence resorting to fallacies and special cases, you are being unscientific and you choose to believe instead of knowing.
  • Skepticism helps scientists to remain objective when performing scientific inquiry and research. It forces them to examine claims (their own and those of others) to be certain that there is sufficient evidence to back them up.
  • A skeptic in science will continually review the credibility of a scientific result or idea--until it is demonstrated through independent corroboration and verified data. Progress in science always builds on our current understanding.
  • New results are seldom if ever derived in a vacuum but depend on the great wealth of understanding that has been accumulated through the ages. If we were to wait to build only on thoroughly verified ideas, science would progress too slowly. If we were to build too fast on untested ideas, the shaky foundation would soon collapse. Skepticism provides a healthy check and balance whereby we can proceed as rapidly as possible and learn of a misstep as soon as possible.
  • The process of analyzing a scientific idea skeptically often reveals valuable insight. It can show us where the arguments are weak and need to be strengthened. It can offer new ideas. It can increase our confidence that what passes is accurate.
  • Due to time limit,remaining questions can be asked as another question,they will be answered,thankyou for your cooperation

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