
In: Psychology

Elaborate the FOUR (4) selves of Johari Window and explain how your self-esteem may influence how...

Elaborate the FOUR (4) selves of Johari Window and explain how your self-esteem may influence how others perceive you as a student and as an individual in general.


Expert Solution

The above is the Johari window.The four selves are open, blind,hidden and unknown. Open space: This space is known to self and others too.Here communications occur and the larger the arena becomes the more effectual and dynamic the relationship will be. Blind self or blind spot – (Unknown to yourself but Known to others.)Information about oneself that others know in a group but one will be unaware of it.Hidden area – (Known to yourself but unknown to others.)Information that is known to you but will be kept unknown from others. This can be any personal information which you feel reluctant to reveal. This includes feelings, past experiences, fears, secrets etc. Unknown area – The Information which are unaware to yourselves as well as others. This includes the information, feelings, capabilities, talents etc. This can be due to traumatic past experiences or events which can be unknown for a lifetime. The person will be unaware till he discovers his hidden qualities and capabilities or through observation of others

Explain how your self-esteem may influence how others perceive you as a student and as an individual in general.

Self esteem is significantly affected by the people surrounding an individual.Encouragement from significant others,self concept, schemas' all influence the self esteem.It is evident that, Self-esteem is determined both by our own achievements and accomplishments and by how we think others are judging us.A healthy self esteem is linked with just right amount of confidence, positive self attitude, regular eye contact whereas a low self esteem is associated with dwindling confidence, negligible eye contact etc.The traits of both the ends of self esteem spectrum differs and clearly makes a difference in how the other person will percieve an individual.

Goiod Luck!

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