
In: Statistics and Probability

This data shows the series of quarterly shipments in millions of US dollars of US hosehold appliances between 1985 and 1989.

Please show answers and code using R/R Studio.

This data shows the series of quarterly shipments in millions of US dollars of US hosehold appliances between 1985 and 1989.

Quarter Shipments
Q1-1985 4009
Q1-1986 4123
Q1-1987 4493
Q1-1988 4595
Q1-1989 4245
Q2-1985 4321
Q2-1986 4522
Q2-1987 4806
Q2-1988 4799
Q2-1989 4900
Q3-1985 4224
Q3-1986 4657
Q3-1987 4551
Q3-1988 4417
Q3-1989 4585
Q4-1985 3944
Q4-1986 4030
Q4-1987 4485
Q4-1988 4258
Q4-1989 4533

(b) apply a moving average with window span w=4 to the data. Use all but the last year as the training period. Create a time ploy of the moving average series.

- What does the MA (4) chart reveal?

- Use the MA (4) model to forecast appliance sales in Q1-1990

-  Use the MA (4) model to forecast appliance sales in Q1-1991

- is the Q1-1990 forecast most likely to underestimate, overestimate, or accurately estimate the actual sales on Q1-1990? Explain?

- Managment Feels most comfortable with moving averages. the analyst therefore plans to use this method for forecasting future quaters. what else should be considered before using the MA(4) to forecast future quarterly shipments of household appliances.

(c) we now focus on forcasting beyond 1989. in the following continue to use all but the last year as the training period and the last four quarters as the validation period. apply holt winters exponential smoothing to the training period.

- compute MAPE values for the training and validation periods using holt winters exponential smoothing.

- Draw two time plots: one for the actual forecasted values and theo ther for the residuals. the x-acis should include the training and validation periods. comment on the model fit in the training and validation periods.

- if we optimize the smoothing constants in the holt winters method are the optimal values likely to be close to zero? why or why not?


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Qtr Shipments Period Shipments Forecast (MA4)
Q1-1985 4009 1 4009
Q1-1986 4123 2 4321
Q1-1987 4493 3 4224
Q1-1988 4595 4 3944
Q1-1989 4245 5 4123 4124.5
Q2-1985 4321 6 4522 4153.0
Q2-1986 4522 7 4657 4203.3
Q2-1987 4806 8 4030 4311.5
Q2-1988 4799 9 4493 4333.0
Q2-1989 4900 10 4806 4425.5
Q3-1985 4224 11 4551 4496.5
Q3-1986 4657 12 4485 4470.0
Q3-1987 4551 13 4595 4583.8
Q3-1988 4417 14 4799 4609.3
Q3-1989 4585 15 4417 4607.5
Q4-1985 3944 16 4258 4574.0
Q4-1986 4030 17 4245 4517.3
Q4-1987 4485 18 4900 4429.8
Q4-1988 4258 19 4585 4455.0
Q4-1989 4533 20 4533 4497.0
Q1-1990 21 4565.8
Q1-1991 22 4565.8

For estimating the over/ underestimate, we will find the value of the tracking signal by dividing the sum of errors by the MAD.

Qtr Shipments Period Shipments Forecast (MA4) |At - Ft| (At - Ft)
Q1-1985 4009 1 4009
Q1-1986 4123 2 4321
Q1-1987 4493 3 4224
Q1-1988 4595 4 3944
Q1-1989 4245 5 4123 4124.5 1.5 -1.5
Q2-1985 4321 6 4522 4153.0 369 369.0
Q2-1986 4522 7 4657 4203.3 453.75 453.8
Q2-1987 4806 8 4030 4311.5 281.5 -281.5
Q2-1988 4799 9 4493 4333.0 160 160.0
Q2-1989 4900 10 4806 4425.5 380.5 380.5
Q3-1985 4224 11 4551 4496.5 54.5 54.5
Q3-1986 4657 12 4485 4470.0 15 15.0
Q3-1987 4551 13 4595 4583.8 11.25 11.3
Q3-1988 4417 14 4799 4609.3 189.75 189.8
Q3-1989 4585 15 4417 4607.5 190.5 -190.5
Q4-1985 3944 16 4258 4574.0 316 -316.0
Q4-1986 4030 17 4245 4517.3 272.25 -272.3
Q4-1987 4485 18 4900 4429.8 470.25 470.3
Q4-1988 4258 19 4585 4455.0 130 130.0
Q4-1989 4533 20 4533 4497.0 36 36.0
Q1-1990 21 4565.8 208.2344 5.802356
Q1-1991 22 4565.8 MAD TS

Since the tracking signal is more than 2, we are overestimating the forecast by using MA(4).

The analyst should check first the normality of the residuals before confirming the method instead of only deciding on the basis of convenience. Also, autocorrelation between lagged period must also be checked.


Alpha = 0.04 Beta = 0.16 Gamma = 0.27
Time(t) Sales A_t T_t S_t F(t) abs abs/y
1 4009 4009.0 0.0 1.0
2 4321 4022.3 2.2 1.0
3 4224 4032.9 3.6 1.0
4 3944 4032.6 2.9 1.0
5 4123 4039.2 3.5 1.0 4035.5 87.5 0.0212
6 4522 4059.4 6.3 1.0 4123.5 398.5 0.0881
7 4657 4088.3 10.0 1.0 4117.4 539.6 0.1159
8 4030 4096.4 9.7 1.0 4074.1 44.1 0.0109
9 4493 4121.4 12.2 1.0 4128.9 364.1 0.0810
10 4806 4153.4 15.4 1.1 4320.6 485.4 0.1010
11 4551 4176.4 16.7 1.1 4363.5 187.5 0.0412
12 4485 4207.2 19.0 1.0 4156.8 328.2 0.0732
13 4595 4236.5 20.7 1.0 4345.9 249.1 0.0542
14 4799 4266.0 22.1 1.1 4577.8 221.2 0.0461
15 4417 4283.2 21.3 1.1 4537.9 120.9 0.0274
16 4258 4300.5 20.7 1.0 4353.7 95.7 0.0225
17 4245 4508.9 263.9 0.0622
18 4900 4726.8 173.2 0.0353
19 4585 4585.0 0.0 0.0000
20 4533 4408.1 124.9 0.0275
MAPE for Test 0.0569
MAPE for Validation 0.0313

With the above set of alpha, beta, and gamma we were able to have lowest MAPE = 0.0313

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