
In: Computer Science

Design and implement a Demand Paging virtual memory simulator! It must be a text based application...

Design and implement a Demand Paging virtual memory simulator!
It must be a text based application (NOT a GUI based one).
You can use the C/C++ or Java programming language.
The following algorithms must be implemented: FIFO, OPT, LRU and LFU.
The application must simulate the execution of each of these algorithms on a hypothetical computer having only N physical frames (numbered from 0 to N-1, N<8), assuming that the single process that is running has a virtual memory of ten frames (numbered from 0 to 9). The number N should be a number provided in the command line as an argument.
The algorithms will be simulated based on a reference string (a sequence of pages that are to be accessed) that will be either read from the keyboard or randomly generated.
The program should be menu-based and the menu will keep the user in a loop containing the following options:
0 – Exit
Will exit the program
1 – Read reference string
A reference string will be read from the keyboard and stored in a buffer. Each value of the reference string will be verified and validated (or rejected).
Using option 1 again will result in overwriting the old reference string.
2 – Generate reference string
A reference string will be randomly generated; the length of the reference string will be given by the user interactively. The string will be stored in a buffer.
Using option 2 more than once will result in overwriting the old reference string.
3 – Display current reference string
Will display the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message will be displayed.
4 – Simulate FIFO
Will simulate the step by step execution of the FIFO algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.
The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation.
The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.
5 – Simulate OPT
Will simulate the step by step execution of the OPT algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.
The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation.
The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.
6 – Simulate LRU
Will simulate the step by step execution of the LRU algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.
The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation.
The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.
7 – Simulate LFU
Will simulate the step by step execution of the LFU algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.
The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation.
The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.
Selecting a different option will result in an error message but the user will NOT exit the loop!
1. The source code of the project
2. A report document (report.doc/report.pdf/…) containing an introduction and an overview of the project, then a comprehensive description of the design and the implementation of your project.
3. A test document (test1.doc/ test1.pdf/ …) containing screensots that show the execution of the 4 algorithms using the inputs from HW6. Three screenshots are required for each algorithm: one that shows the beginning of the simulation, one in the middle of the simulation and one showing the end of the simulation.
4. A test document (test2.doc/ test2.pdf/ …) containing screensots that show the execution of the 4 algorithms using the following inputs: N=5, ref. string is: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 Three screenshots are required for each algorithm: one that shows the beginning of the simulation, one in the middle of the simulation and one showing the end of the simulation.
Post the source code of your simulator and the test documents under the Final Project assignment.


Expert Solution

Note: Program provided in the JAVA as per the question.

public class PhysicalFrame int id; int inserted; int next;//next Use int last;//last Use int timesUsed; PhysicalFrame (int n)

int getNextUse () { return next; void setLastUse (int n) { last = n; int getLastUse () { return last; void incrementTimesUsed

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class MemorySimulator ArrayList<Integer> rfString; // reference

/* the generate() method uses the reference * string and supplied information * about the virtual and physical memory * to

// not in memory and no empty space else { // find the frame to be removed depending on the algo switch (alg) { case FIFO:

// put the new frame in that spot phyMemory [current Frame] [replaceFrame] = insert Frame; // make the physical memory for th

// find least frequently used frame, given an //array containing frame numbers int findLfu (int[] a) { int lfuIndex = 0; int

// find least optimal frame int findLeast optimal (int[] a) { int least optimal = a[0]; int index = 0; int least optNextUse

// initialize all the arrays used in generate() void initialize() { // set page faults to false for (int i = 0; i < page Faul

Scanner sc = new Scanner (; int steppingslice = 0; String prompt; int frameNum; int removedInt; while (steppingslic

removedInt = rmPages [ steppingslice); System.out.println(Page faults: + (page Faults[steppingslice] ? Yes. : No.)); S

import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util. Random; import java.util. InputmismatchException; pub

// read input line =; stdin.nextLine(); switch (line) { case O: // exit System.out.println(Goodbye.); System

break; case 4: // check that refString has been set: 17 test rs: if (rs IsSet (refString)) { // create simulation condition

break; default: break; } // end switch } // end while (true) } // end main private static int readCmdLineArg (String[] args)

static ArrayList<Integer> readRefstring (Scanner in) { System.out.println(Enter a series of numbers: ); // create RefString

static ArrayList<Integer> readRefstring (Scanner in) { System.out.println(Enter a series of numbers: ); // create RefString

} while (list.size() < 1); return list;//return reference string static int getStringsize (Scanner in) { //read in a line; pa

Random rand = new Random(); // create ArrayList for ints ArrayList<Integer> ar = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // generate n rand

Sample output:

Number of page frames set to 7. Please choose from the following options: 0 - Exit 1 - Read reference string 2 - Generate ref

Please choose from the following options: 0 - Exit 1 - Read reference string 2 - Generate reference string 3 - Display curren

Memory information: Algorithm type: OPT Length of ref. string: 19 Number of virtual pages: 10 Number of physical pages: 7 Pre





Snapshot at step 18: Program called virtual frame # 4 Physical frame 0: [4] Physical frame l: 1 Physical frame 2: 2 Physical

Code to copy:

public class PhysicalFrame


int id;

int inserted;

int next;//next Use

int last;//last Use

int timesUsed;

PhysicalFrame(int n) {

id = n;

inserted = -1;

next = -1;

last = -1;

timesUsed = 0;


// Method to set the number

void setNum(int n) {

id = n;


//Method to get the number

int getNum() {

return id;


//Method to set the inserted

void setInserted(int n) {

inserted = n;


//Method to set the inserted

int getInserted() {

return inserted;


void setNextUse(int n) {

next = n;


int getNextUse() {

return next;


void setLastUse(int n) {

last = n;


int getLastUse() {

return last;


void incrementTimesUsed() {

timesUsed += 1;


int getTimesUsed() {

return timesUsed;



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MemorySimulator


ArrayList<Integer> rfString; // reference string

int[] rmPages; // keep track of removed pages

int[] pageCalled; // keep track of physical pages

boolean[] pageFaults; // keeps track of page faults

int rsLen; // Size of the reference string

int numOfPhyFrames;//number Of Physical Frames

int numOfVirPages;//number Of Virtual Frames

/*physical Memory

* first dimension represents "time",

* 2nd is the phyiscal memory at that time


int[][] phyMemory;

// keep track of all the virtual frames in this array

PhysicalFrame[] virtualFrames;

// keep track of which algorithm the simulation ran

String typeAlg;

MemorySimulator(ArrayList<Integer> refs, int p, int v)


rfString = refs;

rsLen = rfString.size();

rmPages = new int[rsLen];

pageCalled = new int[rsLen];

numOfPhyFrames = p;

numOfVirPages = v;

phyMemory = new int[rfString.size()][p];

virtualFrames = new PhysicalFrame[v];

pageFaults = new boolean[rsLen];


/* the "generate()" method uses the reference

* string and supplied information

* about the virtual and physical memory

* to run through simulations.


void generate(String alg) {


typeAlg = alg;

int currentFrame = 0;

int insertFrame;

int empty;

int replaceFrame;

int[] listOfFrames;

int inMemory;

// the while loops step through each call of the simulation

while (currentFrame < rsLen) {

insertFrame = rfString.get(currentFrame);

if (alg == "LRU") {


} else if (alg == "LFU") {



empty = findIndex(phyMemory[currentFrame], -1);

// if the page we need is already in physical memory...

inMemory = findIndex(phyMemory[currentFrame], insertFrame);

if (inMemory != -1) {

pageCalled[currentFrame] = inMemory;

// no page fault!

pageFaults[currentFrame] = false;


// if it's not in memory but there's an empty space for it...

else if (empty >= 0) {

pageCalled[currentFrame] = empty;

phyMemory[currentFrame][empty] = insertFrame;



// not in memory and no empty space

else {

// find the frame to be removed depending on the algo

switch (alg) {

case "FIFO":

// find the oldest frame

replaceFrame = findOldest(phyMemory[currentFrame]);

// update insertion time



case "OPT":

// calculate next uses


// find the least optimal page

replaceFrame = findLeastOptimal(phyMemory[currentFrame]);


case "LFU":

// find least recently used

replaceFrame = findLfu(phyMemory[currentFrame]);


case "LRU":

// find least recently used

replaceFrame = findLru(phyMemory[currentFrame]);

// update information for last use of the frame just called/



System.out.println("Error: algorithm not recognized!");



// record removed frame

rmPages[currentFrame] = phyMemory[currentFrame][replaceFrame];

// record new frame spot

pageCalled[currentFrame] = replaceFrame;

// put the new frame in that spot

phyMemory[currentFrame][replaceFrame] = insertFrame;


// make the physical memory for the next call a copy of the physical

// memory at the end of this call

if ((currentFrame + 1) < rsLen) {

for (int i = 0; i < numOfPhyFrames; i ++) {

phyMemory[currentFrame +1][i] = phyMemory[currentFrame][i];



currentFrame += 1;



// find the first inserted Frame, given an array of Frame numbers

int findOldest(int[] a) {

int oldest = virtualFrames[a[0]].getInserted();

int oldestIndex = 0;

int checking;

for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {

checking = virtualFrames[a[i]].getInserted();

if (checking < oldest) {

oldest = checking;

oldestIndex = i;



return oldestIndex;


// find least frequently used frame, given an

//array containing frame numbers

int findLfu(int[] a) {

int lfuIndex = 0;

int lfuTimesUsed = virtualFrames[a[lfuIndex]].getTimesUsed();

for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {

int temp = a[i];

int tempTimesUsed = virtualFrames[a[i]].getTimesUsed();

if (tempTimesUsed < lfuTimesUsed) {

lfuIndex = i;

lfuTimesUsed = tempTimesUsed;



return lfuIndex;


// find least recently used frame, given an

//array containing frame numbers

int findLru(int[] a) {

int lruIndex = 0;

int lruLastUse = virtualFrames[a[lruIndex]].getLastUse();

for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {

int temp = a[i];

int tempLastUse = virtualFrames[a[i]].getLastUse();

if (tempLastUse < lruLastUse) {

lruIndex = i;

lruLastUse = tempLastUse;



return lruIndex;


// find "least optimal" frame

int findLeastOptimal(int[] a) {

int leastOptimal = a[0];

int index = 0;

int leastOptNextUse = virtualFrames[leastOptimal].getNextUse();

for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {

int temp = a[i];

int tempNextUse = virtualFrames[temp].getNextUse();

if (tempNextUse > leastOptNextUse)


leastOptimal = temp;

leastOptNextUse = virtualFrames[leastOptimal].getNextUse();

index = i;



//return least Optimal Index

return index;



void calculateNextUses(int n)


for (int i = 0; i < numOfVirPages; i++) {

virtualFrames[i].setNextUse(rsLen + 1);


// then it works backwards from the end

for (int i = rsLen - 1; i >= n; i--) {

int called = rfString.get(i);




// initialize all the arrays used in generate()

void initialize() {

// set page faults to false

for (int i = 0; i < pageFaults.length; i++)

pageFaults[i] = true;

// set removed to -1s

for (int i = 0; i < rmPages.length; i++)

rmPages[i] = -1;

// set pages changed to -1s

for (int i = 0; i < pageCalled.length; i++)

pageCalled[i] = -1;  

// set clean array of frames:

for (int i = 0; i < numOfVirPages; i++)

virtualFrames[i] = new PhysicalFrame(i);

// clean array of slices

for (int i = 0; i < rsLen; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < numOfPhyFrames; j ++)

phyMemory[i][j] = -1;


typeAlg = "";


// print the results of the simluation, one step at a time

void printFrameInfo() {

System.out.println("Memory information: ");

System.out.println("Algorithm type: " + typeAlg);

System.out.println("Length of ref. string: " + rsLen);

System.out.println("Number of virtual pages: " + numOfVirPages);

System.out.println("Number of physical pages: " + numOfPhyFrames);


System.out.println("Press enter to step through snapshots of physical memory");

System.out.println("Or, enter \"q\" at any time to return to main menu.");

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

int steppingSlice = 0;

String prompt;

int frameNum;

int removedInt;

while (steppingSlice < rsLen) {

prompt = sc.nextLine();

if (prompt.equals("q")) {

System.out.println("Exitting printout.");



System.out.println("Snapshot at step " + (steppingSlice + 1) + ":");

System.out.println("Program called virtual frame # "

+ rfString.get(steppingSlice));

for (int i = 0; i < numOfPhyFrames; i ++) {

System.out.print("Physical frame " + i + ":");

frameNum = phyMemory[steppingSlice][i];

if (frameNum >= 0) {

if (i == pageCalled[steppingSlice]) {

System.out.println("[" + frameNum + "]");

} else {

System.out.println(" " + frameNum);


} else {




removedInt = rmPages[steppingSlice];

System.out.println("Page faults: " + (pageFaults[steppingSlice] ? "Yes." : "No."));

System.out.println("Victim frames: " + (removedInt == -1 ? "None." : removedInt));

steppingSlice += 1;


System.out.print("Simluation finished. Press enter to continue.");



int findIndex(int[] a, int n) {

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

if (a[i] == n) {

return i;



return -1;



import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.InputMismatchException;

public class DemandPagingSimulator {

//maximum number of virtual pages

static final int MAX_VP = 10;

// maximum number of physical pages

static final int MAX_PP = 7;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// read in physical frame numbers

int numOfPhyFrames = readCmdLineArg(args);

System.out.println("Number of page frames set to "

+ numOfPhyFrames + ".");

// set up for main loop

Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;

String line; // input from user

ArrayList<Integer> refString = null;

MemorySimulator simulator;

// begin main loop:

while (true)



System.out.println("Please choose from the following options:");

System.out.println("0 - Exit");

System.out.println("1 - Read reference string");

System.out.println("2 - Generate reference string");

System.out.println("3 - Display current reference string");

System.out.println("4 - Simulate FIFO Algorithm");

System.out.println("5 - Simulate OPT Algorithm");

System.out.println("6 - Simulate LRU Algorithm");

System.out.println("7 - Simulate LFU Algorithm");


// read input

line =;


switch (line) {

case "0":

// exit




case "1":

// read reference string

refString = readRefString(stdIn);

// confirm



case "2":

// generate reference string

// get length of desired string

System.out.println("How long do you want the reference string to be?");

int stringSize = getStringSize(stdIn);

// generate the string

refString = generateString(stringSize, MAX_VP);

// confirm



case "3":

// print reference string

if (refString != null) {

System.out.print("Current reference string: ");

int i;

for (i = 0; i < refString.size() - 1; i++) {

System.out.print(refString.get(i) + ", ");




} else {

System.out.println("Error: no reference string entered.");



case "4":

// check that refString has been set:

// test rs:

if (rsIsSet(refString)) {

// create simulation conditions, run it, and print

simulator = new MemorySimulator(refString, numOfPhyFrames, MAX_VP);





case "5":

// check that refString has been set:

if (rsIsSet(refString)) {

// create simulation conditions, run it, and print

simulator = new MemorySimulator(refString, numOfPhyFrames, MAX_VP);





case "6":

// check that refString has been set:

if (rsIsSet(refString)) {

// create simulation conditions, run it, and print

simulator = new MemorySimulator(refString, numOfPhyFrames, MAX_VP);





case "7":

// check that refString has been set:

if (rsIsSet(refString)) {

// create simulation conditions, run it, and print

simulator = new MemorySimulator(refString, numOfPhyFrames, MAX_VP);







} // end switch

} // end while (true)

} // end main

private static int readCmdLineArg(String[] args) {

// check for correct number of arguments

if (args.length < 1) {

System.out.println("Error: need to pass exactly 1"

+"command line argument for number of physical frames.");



if (args.length > 1) {

System.out.println("Warning: Too many command line arguments."

+"Every argument after the 1st will be ignored.");


// n will be our # of physical page frames

int n = -1;

// try to parse int; catch exceptions

try {

n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

} catch(NumberFormatException e) {

System.out.println("Error: command line argument must be an integer.");



// check if n is between 0 and N - 1

if (n < 1 || n > MAX_PP) {

System.out.println("Error: must be between 1 and "

+ (MAX_PP) + " physical frames.");



// everything worked out OK, return n!

return n;


static ArrayList<Integer> readRefString(Scanner in) {

System.out.println("Enter a series of numbers: ");

// create RefString

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

do {

// read in a line

String line = in.nextLine();

// create a scanner to operate on that line

Scanner stdInput = new Scanner(line);

// extract the ints

String temp;

int tempInt = -1;

boolean isInt;

while (stdInput.hasNext()) {

temp =;

isInt = false;

try {

tempInt = Integer.parseInt(temp);

isInt = true;

} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

System.out.println("Warning: you entered a non-integer; \""

+ temp + "\" ignored.");


// ensure that the numbers entered are between 0 and 9:

if (isInt && (tempInt < 0 || tempInt >= MAX_VP))


System.out.println("Warning: numbers must be between 0 and "

+ (MAX_VP - 1) + "; \"" + temp + "\" ignored.");

} else if (isInt) {




// make sure at least 1 valid int entered:

if (list.size() < 1) {

System.out.println("Error: Ref.string must be atleast one"

+"integer (0 to 9). Please try again.");


} while (list.size() < 1);

return list;//return reference string


static int getStringSize(Scanner in) {

//read in a line; parse an int

int stringSize = 0;

while (stringSize < 1) {

try {

stringSize = in.nextInt();


catch (InputMismatchException e) {

System.out.println("You must enter an integer.");



if (stringSize < 1) {

System.out.println("You must enter a positive integer.");



// if int is out of bounds, give error

return stringSize;


static ArrayList<Integer> generateString(int n, int max) {

// NOTE: max is exclusive

// validate input

if (n < 1) {

System.out.println("Error: cannot create a reference string shorter than 1.");

return null;



Random rand = new Random();

// create ArrayList for ints

ArrayList<Integer> ar = new ArrayList<Integer>();

// generate n random numbers and add them to the list.

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {



// use the ArrayList to create a RefString

ArrayList<Integer> rs = ar;

// return the RefString

return rs;


static void stringConfirm(ArrayList<Integer> rs) {

if (rs != null) {

System.out.print("Valid ref.string: ");

int i;

for (i = 0; i < rs.size() - 1; i++) {

System.out.print(rs.get(i) + ", ");




} else {

System.out.println("Invalid reference string. Please try again.");



static boolean rsIsSet(ArrayList<Integer> rs) {

if (rs != null) {

return true;


System.out.println("Error: reference string not yet entered/generated!");

return false;



Hope this may help you.

Thank you ??

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