
In: Computer Science

Write 2 detailed samples of scary text-based computer games. The location of your game could be...

Write 2 detailed samples of scary text-based computer games. The location of your game could be a place that truly exists (possibly include research). Exclude graphic content. Remember to give choices to the player during the game.

The 2 text based games must be invented by you and list scene by scene the options given to the player.

Brief example of what the samples should look like:

There is an old, dark castle in front of you, will you go in? (options for the player: 1 yes; 2 no)

[...story details...]

Inside the room there is a dark figure standing in front of you (options for the player: 1 use phone;  2 get a gun; 3 leave the room)


you do not need to use a programming language, just writing 2 scary short stories as if they were games using your own words, and listing options for the player. each slide of the story leads to a next slide according to the decisions made by the player

Please, new answer


Expert Solution

Text based computer games are very popular nowadays in all age groups and across the world with the advent of really smart smartphones with high quality audio-video and fast internert connection. The scary members in such games clearly attract more people as they give the player the thrill of adventure and the uncanny sensation even sitting back at the comfort of their own cozy corner of the home. The outline of 2 such scary games is given below:



After a day long hectic city tour at the city of London, you have landed up at the northern bank of river Thames taking a nice evening stroll relishing the memories of the old historic city that you enjoyed throughout the day. Dwelling in the memory of the long history of the city of London and in the decaying pale daylight, your leisurely stroll lands you up away from the glittering water of Thames crimsoned by the setting sun into an open space called the Tower Hill and a few strides further takes you to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. A few steps more, rather in a semiconscious mode, you find yourself in front of an old castle surrounded by lush green gardens and a faint small signboard reading "The Tower of London". The name seemed to be familiar but you could not recollect what exactly the memory was about and rather curiousely you end up at the huge wooden front door of the castle. You could not see any person looking around, rather no living entity was visible all around near you. You felt the castle was inviting you inside but had that uncanny feeling through your blood and nerves.

What would you like to do? Enter the castle through the doors?

1. If yes, move to Scene 2

2. If no, move to Scene Exit

Scene 2

Walking through the large wooden doors leads you to a long and wide room, perhaps used for royal balls in the old days when the castle was hustling with the royal aristocrats of the city enjoying their evenings. The big hall ends up in a wide and long staircase with a faint large painting visible in the landing at the end of the staircase. The painting draws your attention but you still find no one around you.  Would you climb the stairs to take a closer look?

1. If yes, move to Scene 3

2. If no, move to Scene Exit

Scene 3

Climbing up the stairs slowly and the nearer you went, the painting became clearer and more vibrant. The painting was of a standing royal gentleman, dressed perhaps in his hunting suit with a gun in one of his hands and holding a smoking pipe with the other hand. As you drew nearer, the more vibrant the picture became and all the minute details became clearer like smoke coming out of the pipe, a series of oak and pine trees in the background and most importantly a warm and welcoming smile at the lips of the gentleman. Perhaps from the early 18th century, the painter must have been very famous at his times. Mesmerised, you found yoursel just in front of the painting and you could read the faint inscription at the top of the frame as The Grand Duke of Yorkshire Lord Jonathon Ford. The painting just in front of you suddenly started to become more vibrant,colorful and bright and you started to feel as if you are just a part of the painting as well. You could feel the soft green grass below your feet instead of the stony staircase now and even you could smell the mixed fragrance of wet soil and wild flowers at your nose. Suddenly you hear a cracking noise at your back as if the large wooden doors are getting closed. You turn back and find that indeed the door has closed somehow. You also feel a cold breeze blowing across the room from a unseen window and at this juncture you hear a heavy yet gentle voice at your back calling out " Welcome to my home, Sir!"

You are terrified and shocked but do you run for the door or turn back?

1. If yes, move to Scene 4

2. If no, move to Scene Exit

Scene 4

As you turn back very slowly, you find Lord Ford standing just behind you in the same attire and that very same smile on his face but slightly bent forward towards you now as if to greet you. Bewildered and shocked, you could feel your heart pumping so high as if you could hear your own heart beat. Controlling the lub dub of your heart you decide to stay calm and cool and think what you should do?

1. Take out your mobile from your left trouser pocket? If yes go to Scene 5

2. Run for the sword you saw kept just by the side of the main door? If yes go to scene 6

3. Run for the main door? If yes go to Scene Exit.

Scene 5

As you take out your mobile, you also find Lord Ford put his pipetightly in his mouth and put his arm in his left pocket as if to take something out. As you hastily look at your mobile, you find that there is no signal available. But before you could speak out, Lord Ford takes out his arm from the poket holding a bright red rose in his fingers. He leans forward and again speaks up in a husky but polite voice, " Sir, would you be so kind enough to take this rose to my beloved wife Mary and offer it to her on my behalf?" I somehow managed to say" But where will I find her?" The husky voice rolled out again, " Well you will find her just left to the main door as you walk out of the house." He added, " You see Sir, I had promised her to give a red rose every evening as long as I would love her, which of course I still do, but I am unable to attend her in person now. So will you please be kind enough to convey my love to her?" You somehow mutterred " Yes, sure" and with trembling fingers collected the bright red rose from Lord Ford. The short touch to his fingers felt as if you had touched an icecube. Lord Ford said," I can not thank you more from the deepest of my heart. I would have liked to offer you a warm cup of coffee but I am afraid, my promise to give Mary the rose by evening will not be kept then. But you are welcome to join me in the evening any day at this time, SIr." You just remember to utter " It would be my pleasure." and turned back for the main door.

You find yorself in Scene Exit.

Scene 6

As you run for the sword just next to the door and somehow dive to pull it out from the cover placed by the main door, you hear Lord Ford cry out, "Beware! I have a gun pointed at you right away." As you pull up the sword and turn around to face Lord Ford, you find the gun really pointed at you and Lord Ford looking at you with Fiery eyes. As you try to take one step forward, you hear a large BANG sound of gunfire and something hits the sword at your hand so hard that it falls down from your hand and you find yourself almost flying backwards. The next thing you remember is tou are in Scene Exit.

Scene Exit

You find yourself lying on the soft grass and as you slowly try to get up on your own feet you find yourself in the small garden surrounded by Oak and Pine trees just at the left of the main door of the castle. You feel something in your right pocket and as you search for it, you find a red rose come out from the right pocket in your hand. Also you find a white obelisk placed right at the middle of the small garden. As you slowly walk in front of it, you find engraved on a marble slab in front of the obelisk, " In fond memories of Dutches of Yorkshire Mary Ford." You placed the rose in front of the obelisk and still wondering what to make out from what you faced in the last half an hour or so when you entered the Tower of London!! Looking at your mobile for time, you found it to be working perfectly fine.



You had to come to inaugurate a branch of your office at Hyderabad in India amidst your busy schedule, The opening ceremony would take place at a 5 star resort at the outskirts of the city and was forced to be scheduled on a Sunday evening due to a unavailibility of the Governor of the state at other times who would be the Chief Guest for the ceremony. You planned to arrive at the city on the day before and could manage to complete all the necessary formalities and arrangements by Saturday itself. So you were free the whole day on the Sunday and decided to go out for a city tour and come back by evening for the ceremony. You planned to visit Ramoji Film City which is famous for Bollywood movies and the historic Golkunda Fort covering each of them in 3 to 4 hours each. Unfortunately, it took a longer time for you to cover the vast  Ramoji Film City and when you finally reached the Golkunda Fort it was already late afternoon. The sun was almost setting and the Fort was about to close down except for the Light and sound show organised every evening. At the late hour you were told that there wre no guides availble at that time and if you wish you had to go inside the fort alone without any guide. What would you do?

1. Go inside the fort...move to Scene 2

2. Go back to hotel...move to Scene Last

Scene 2:

You enter the for all by alone and found most of the tourists already started leaving the place. The light and sound show was still 30 minutes away and so you decided to take a short tour of the Fort. Rather than taking the normal staircase along the natural slope of the small hill on which the fort was built to reach the top, you decided to take a shorter path leading to the top along certain broken structures of the fort. As you crossed the structures, the remains of a once gorgeously decorated rooms but now turned into mere remains of broken stone walls, you find yourself all alone in the path. While still a bit far from reaching the top you found yourself in a covered room with the roof not yet broken but rather dark in this late evening. You had an uncanny sense and could get a smell similar to that coming from very old books all over the place. What would you do?

1. Go further into the room...move to Scene 3

2. Go back to hotel...move to Scene Last

Scene 3:

As you move further inside the dark room you see a dark silhouette coming nearer to you at a fast pace. As it moved further closer you found it to look like a human being dressed in a gorgrous royal suite much like those of the Mughal Age as you had seen in pictures before but most horrifyingly it was without a head!! What would you do?

1. Wait in the room...move to Scene 4

2.Turn back for hotel...move to Scene Last

Scene 4:

Bewildered and a bit scared as you wait the dark silhouette approaches you and at this time you can also see an open sword in his hand, the blades still flashing in the last rays of the sun coming through the few empty spaces. As the silhouette is just a few feet away from you you can smeel a strange perfume that you saw being sold just outside the fort by local people and claimed to be a speciality of the Mughal rulers of that place since long back. At this point the silhouette shouted out loud, " I will cut off your head Alamgir, just as you have done to me, your own elder brother!" It ran closer to you with the sword still raised to chop off your head. What would you do now?

1. Wait in the room...move to Scene 5

2.Turn back for hotel...move to Scene Last

Scene 5:

The silhouette which was now more prominent and the full body could be now clearly seen raised the sword to strike a blow at the neck and just before the sword touching the neck, it stopped and cried out," But you are not Alamgir!! Where is he?" You just murmered," I am not him whom you want, not your brother by any means!!" The

silhouette paused a bit and said," Oh, I see." and turned back and disppeared in the darkness.

What would you do now?

1. Proceed inside the room further...move to Scene 6

2.Turn back for hotel...move to Scene Last

Scene 6:

You come at the end of the room and find yourself at the top of the Fort giving a wonderful view of not only the entire fort built around the hill top but also the distant view of the city of Hyderabad. Afetr a short stay you move for the light and sound show...move to Scene Last

Scene Last:

You enjoy the light and sound show in the open amphitheatre of the fort where you laern that the fort was built by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, also known by the name of Alamgir. You leran the history of the Emperor and come to know that in the way to ascend to the throne Aurangzeb got his father arrested and cut off the head of his elder brother Dara Shuko to become the only legal heir to the Mughal throne. Wondering how the elder brother Dara Shuko was still roaming about in the abandoned Golkunda Fort to take revenge on his brother which you had just witnessed yourself in the for all alone you came back to the hotel to join the opening ceremony just in time.

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