
In: Psychology

For this assignment you must research and explain in detail the different methods How to hire...

For this assignment you must research and explain in detail the different methods

How to hire people

It is recommended that you research different training companies to develop an outline and complete an analysis of the steps which need to be taken. As you know it is important that you use several different methods to teach one of the topics because people learn in different ways. Be creative. Introduction – 5 marks Detail of training methods used – 30 marks Conclusion – 5 marks This assignment must be typed, double spaced, 12 size fonts. You must also include a proper title page and bibliography. Report is to be a minimum of 8 pages. Title page, works cited and pictures are not included in the 8 pages.


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Introduction: Hiring or Recruiting is the process of generating pool qualified applicants for organizational jobs. If the number of available candidates equals the number of people to be hired no real selection is required the choice has already been made. The organization must either leave some openings unfilled or take all the candidates. Recruiting is about finding qualified applicants, and doing that often requires much more than just running an ad in a newspaper or posts listing online job portals.

Recruiting Methods: Internal vs. External

Recruiting strategy and policy decisions entail identifying where to recruit, whom to recruit, and how to recruit. One of the first decisions determines the extent to which internal and external sources and methods will be used.

1. Internal Recruiting Methods: The most common internal recruiting methods include organizational databases, job postings, promotions and transfers, current-employee referrals, and re-recruiting of former employees and applicants.

(i). Employee Databases: The increased use of HR management systems allows HR staff members to maintain background and KSA information on existing employees. As opening arise, HR can access databases by entering job requirements and then get a listing of current employees meeting those requirements.

(ii). Employee-Focused Recruiting: One reliable source of potential recruits are suggestions from current or former employees. Because current and former employees are familiar with the employer, most employees usually do not refer individuals who are likely to be unqualified or to make the employees look bad. Also, follow-up with former employers is likely to be done only with person who was solid employees previously.

(iii). Job Posting: The major means for recruiting current employees for other jobs within the organization is a job posting, a system in which the employer provides notices of job openings and employees respond by applying for specific openings. Without some sort of job posting system, it is difficult for many employees to find out what jobs are open elsewhere in the organization.

(2). External Recruiting Method: Characteristics of the job and organization, how the recruiting is conducted, and whether the applicant sees a fit are important elements in successfully recruiting external candidates according to recent research. These attractions apply regardless of the source of the applicants. Many external sources and methods will be used to attract candidates for a variety of jobs available in organizations. Some of the more prominent methods are highlighted next.

(i). College & University Recruiting: College or university students are a significant source for entry-level professional and technical employees. Most universities maintain career placement offices in which employees and applicants can meet. A number of considerations affect an employer's selection of colleges and universities at which to conduct interviews.

(ii). School Recruiting: High schools or vocational/technical schools may be valuable sources of new employees for some organizations. Many schools have a centralized guidance or placement office. Promotional brochures the acquaint students with starting jobs and career opportunities can be distributed to counselors, librarians, or others. Participation in career days and giving company tours to school groups are other ways of maintaining good contact with school sources.

(iii). Labor Unions: Labor unions are a good source of certain types of workers. In such industries as electric and construction, unions have traditionally supplied workers to employers. A labor pool is generally available through a union, and workers can be dispatched from it to particular jobs to meet the need of the employers.

(iv). Employment Agencies & Headhunters: Every state in the US has its own state-sponsored employment agency. These agencies operate branch offices in many cities throughout the states and do not charge fees to applicants or employers.

Private employment agencies also operate in most cities, For a fee collected from either the employee or the employer, these agencies do some preliminary screening and put the organization in touch with applicants. Private employment agencies differ considerably in the levels of service, costs policies, and types of applicants they provide.

(v). Competitive Sources: Other sources for recruiting include professional and trade associations, trade publications, and competitions. Many professional societies and trade associations publish newsletters or magazines and have websites containing job ads. Such sources may be useful for recruiting the specialized professionals needed in the industry.

(vi). Media Sources: Media sources such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and billboards are widely used. Some firms have used direct mail with purchased lists of individuals in certain fields or industries. Whatever medium is used, it should be tied to the relevant labor market and should provide sufficient information on the company and the job

(vii). Job Fairs and Special Events: Employers in tight labor markets or needing to fill a large number of jobs quickly have used job fairs and special recruiting events. Job fairs also have been held by economic development entities, employer and HR associations, and other community groups to help bring employers and potential job candidates together.

(viii). Online/Internet Recruiting: The Internet has become the primary means for many employers to search for job candidates and for applicants to look for jobs. Explosive growth in general internet use is a key reason. Internet users tap the internet to search for jobs almost as frequently as the read classified ads in newspapers. Numerous internet job boards, such as Moster, Yahoo, and HotJobs, and many more provide access to numerous candidates.

Conclusion: The most common method of internal recruiting include organizational databases, job postings promotions, and transfers, current employee referrals. The most common external recruiting sources are colleges and universities, schools, labor unions, and other creative methods. Internet recruiting has grown in use through job boards and various websites. Internet recruiting can save costs and time.

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